Page 47 - YB_2000
P. 47
{dflfd Welllllilll and Sl!yl}mw fforri~ brf'dk through thf' entrancf' to exit the dance floor.
Above: Adam filler and
K,lfie Deerson try out some
nefl< dance n10~es on 1~
dance floor.
Homecoming ROJ•ally: Back
ro•~ (I to r): Tanya
Wellman, Shy/ynne Morris·,
Aalie Deerson, and Cl')'stal
Konecky Front Rofl< (I to
r): Adam Mirer. Paul
Thor. on. Sh<Ine Map , and
Jon lee
Below: Jo h Moline and
Steplmnie Bergman take a
break from dancing.
"Hey )'Oil mi~sed a bullon!" Nate Johnson confides •~ill!
!Vick Willi/ms.
Homecoming Pages by Amber Storm 43