Page 21 - YB_2001
P. 21
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'1r1d1 q anu :her U?e for h..> hf' met.
Down to the wire ... This is They knew that this game
how the Mead Raider foot- would decide their season.
ball season went. For the last The team played hard and was
two seasons, tr.e Raiders down 14-s, but they found the 1 1
have ended with a losing motivation within themselves II
record. but this year the Raid- and pulled ahead at the end II
ers managed to go 5-4. Even of the third quarter. II
though the Raiders did not "Mentally we thought it II
make the playoffs, the team would be an easy game and 11
was pleased with the out- were unprepared." said Nick
come of their season. Williams. "When the game
"It was nice to finally fin- statted to get tough, we didn't j
ish with a winning record know how to handle it, but
even though our team was the defense was determined 11
compiled of many young and worked hard to win the I'
players." said Brad Schutt. game." 11
"Everyone really stepped up The Raiders held Dorchester I ;
and played with a lot of heart to 14 and pulled off a two
and determination." point victory. This final win II
The Raiders were 4-4 go- gave the Raiders the winning , j
ing into their final game. season they were looking for. i!
Front Row (I to r): Max Boldra. Nick Williams, Lyle Havelka,
Shane Morris, Kirk Sake, Justin Schmidt, Eric Deerson Second Row:
Brendan Murray. Rusty Petersen, Josh Dahl, Brandon Wolfe. Brett
Malchow, Mike Martin, Alex Carritt, Third Row: John Berry, Brad
Schutt, Jerid Cooper. Kyle Parsons, Dave Wageman, Matt Burke.
Shawn Nelson Fourth Row: Jason Larsen, Nate Johnson, Clayton
Let It Fly Ul tf:r!J;,r o·,h tl Zaugg. Jeff Schultz, Nathan Hanson, Zach Wellman Back Row:
o . . t:hr,Jut.!h on J ,, '"' ,.,, '1P' Coach Jon Dahl, Coach Jason Polk, Dave Baltz, Chris Miller. Cody
dur.r.::rt:heCI"d,•rBuff g~Hif' Jc 'I Heanue. Justin Drews, Jeremy Larsen. Justin Johnson
threv, f x ' 0 <'yard:; tf >'?ed"'(.r.
Football 17