Page 16 - YB_2001
P. 16
Our Own Wheels
Without them we'd be lost
Cars are exceptionally of Mead students, and is
important to our teenage still giving us good times.
lives. Some for their style For most of us, however,
and speed, others because cars aren't just about good
they provide transporta- times. Whether they're old
tion. A few are so impor- or new, they are our life-
tant to u that they even line to the outside world
become legends. The "'Ce- and make life much more
lebrity" has become one fun. A car doesn't have to
of the e legends. It has be a legend to do that. How
survived three generations does your car fit in? Topless - 'ht> le~enctlry Ce ebr'tY SicS at he me lr a r-am f lek:l behind Ca~y
Bry1r' '1 J: e. Ca~y"' •wed the top o f UJ gwe 1t "'llre style.
Automobile Adventures
"I was on my way to Neumann
summer league with Zach
Wellman, Brandon Wolfe, and
Lyle Havelka. Lyle and I knew
the emergency brake was bro-
ken and decided to scare the
other guys by pulling it. Bran-
don got so scared that he threw
his pop in the air and spilled it
all over my car." - Nate Johnson
"On the way back to Mead from
Wahoo, Sarah Denison got
stuck between my front seats.
She accidentally kicked my car
into neutral , and I couldn ' t
drive. We had to pull to the side of the road and tear
her loose. Sarah escaped without serious injury." -
Kayla Thorson
"We were mud bogging in a
corn field and saw a spot that
looked like a huge water puddle.
We headed for it at about 60
mph. Hitting it brought us to a
jerking halt. We quickly found
TooCool (f 't, ~· ,wtrr
out that it was about two feet of
'l~ "'r r. L 'trJrt.
mud and not much water. When
we opened the doors mud and
water poured in. It took two
He Gets Around -"7 Yl o 'vP v " :;1 Jr '" , er
trucks four hours to pull us out."
::~.r e +-pr t dr .... 1- d ~
- Danny Nicola
Nice Rides