Page 43 - YB_2001
P. 43
Hi~h S<·hool Choir - Front Ro" (I to r):
Jenny Kinzie, Matt Otte. Dave Wageman.
ltbtin Schultz. Megan Brabec, Nikki Simon,
Sh.:rri Novak. Second Row: Jenny Feeney.
Erin Thilliander. Ashley Storm, Sherry
Moyers. Sarah Deni,on. Angela Pelster, Claire
Muck. Third Row: Breanne Biehl. Andrea
Guylc. Lori Ra~mussen. Jason Larsen. Nate
Johnson, Cheryl Storm. Sara Konecky,
Ashley Miller. Ela R1:epnicka. Back Row:
Sophia Mo,el. Li>a Rasmussen. Brendan
Murray, Brandon Wolfe. Brett Malchow,
Amanda Johnson, Hannah Glenn. Steph
Bergman. Rose Cooper.
Holoi Ovt 10 ~
~ CJvo£v- Moi6
Singing for your sup- expected to be a suc-
per took on a new cess. The Music
meaning for choir Theory class and the
members this year. To swing choir also per-
replace the pops con- formed at this pro-
cert of past years, the gram. The audience
choir put on a Soup and was entertained
Song Concert. throughout the
"I had my doubts evening by these
about the success of the groups.
soup and song concert, Another new addi-
but the community tion for music students
seemed to enjoy this was the Music Theory
new structure of a con- class. Students learned
cert.·· said Jenny about music from dif-
Feeney. ferent cultures, and
With performances by how to pronounce
the band and both their foreign lan-
choirs. the night was guages.
39 Choir