Page 47 - YB_2001
P. 47
::n:un Tour 1 ace -
Brad Schutt, Dave
BaltZ, Dave Rasmussen,
and NICk V/lll1ams know
what fe IS al about:
hang1n' w1th the
guys, dnnk1n' some
~M~ ~g e~ne o.ti~n o.nd M~ti"o.ti~n. Dew, and chow1n'
on p.zza.
~LS~ &t-teu lw.el&. ~teo.dLhtU t~ M~()e ()h
Teachers have, yet again, diagnosed the annual
epidemic that has struck the senior class as senioritis.
"All of the seniors I am in contact with suffer
from senioritis," said Mrs. Hanson, "but I think my
worst sufferer is Jennifer Feeney. She voices her frus-
tration more than others, and procrastination has be-
come her middle name."
Nate Johnson thinks his ailment is much more
serious, claiming he has suffered from senioritis since Do, Re, Me - Jenny Feeney,
Andrea Guyle, and Jesse Mueller
his freshman year, and is ready to leave high school.
wow Mrs. //e1ss' Study Hall w1th
Danny Nicola scoffs at the supposed severity
sm1les, some Chnstmas cheer, and
of Nate's condition, calling it mild compared to his. per•ect-p•tched Fa,
"I get here just as the bell rings and run for the
doors to freedom when the dismissal bell sounds,"
said Danny. Surprisingly, there are
In Dave Rasmussen's case, it's not people in the junior class who
just a question of leaving, but also the wish they could remain in
eagerness to escape the rules and the wings forever.
regulations of school au- "I don't want to be
thority. a senior, because that
F o r means I will be one
many of these- step closer to leav-
niors, it's not just ing, and I like high
the readiness to school," said Nick Wil-
leave that affects liams.
them, but also the lack Shelly Novak says she
of motivation to finish thinks that will be the best part about
out the year. being a senior.
"I still get my assign- "The sooner I become a senior, the
ments in on time, but I usu-
sooner I can leave," she said.
ally don't do the work until I abso- Lori Rasmussen, however, is ready to
lutely have to," said Andrea. "I just take on the school.
can't make myself want to do it."
"Am I ready to be a senior?" asked Lori
In the words of Jenny Kinzie, Rassmussen, mockingly. "I've been ready;
"Good luck, juniors!" I was born ready!"
Staying in the Lines -
The Ants Go Marching -
Chery Storm, Danny
Jun1ors d1sp1ay the1r sense f
N1cola, and Jenny K1nzle
rhythm, or .ack thereo•, wh11e
spend their sen1or year
wa ~1ng back tu schoo . Cody
concentrating on the
and Just1n are n '>tep,
class they f1nd most
following Jesse and Amy, but
Important: Art.
poor John o ~ s st.
One More Year 43