Page 8 - YB_2004
P. 8
Comfort zone
In: weatshi.rts, jeans and tennies.
Out: graphic tees, polo' and Docs.
Few examples show the year's laid
oock attitude h!tter than the clothes people
wore. The aonosphere at school puts some
students at ease aoout their wardroh!. They
Working Hard
were able to wear clod1es d1ey felt comfy in.
Sophomores Cody Moravec
and Devin Tharp concentrate
tudents didn't feel a need to impress each
hard on getting their homework
done in crop production. During other with what they wore. "We all know
the year the class took a field
trip to Golden Harvest. each other and are comfortable around each
other, and it shows up in what we wear,"
said junior Sara Ballard.
In pasted year tudents wore clothes
Looking Good
they thought they looked cool in. But our laid Senior Kate Parsons fills up balloons during FCCLA
week. Kate and fellow classmates joked about her non
oock attitudes changed the way we dressed.
matching outfit.
tudent came to chool wearing sweats, pa-
"We all know
each other and jama pants or casual jeans. Even velcro hoes were spotted on the feet of some upperclassmen.
are comfortable Students didn't worry aoout what they're were going to wear the next day to school. Students got up,
around each
other, and it threw something on' and they didn't think twice aoou t what they were wearing.
shows up in Some days were till dressy though. For example, athletes dressed nicely for game days and
what we
wear" said some students just wanted to look nice.
junior Sara "Sometimes I want to dress cute and other days I want to be comfortable," said sophomore
Elisha Konecky.