Page 42 - YB_2005
P. 42
Seniors Colb) Schutt ,mel Tr,1\'is
SchoL'nherr ,,alk dm' n the ai.,lc
after recei\'ing their diplomas.
Class of 2005
B.1ck(L to R): Tra' is Schoenherr,
Randy Reed, Tyler Carlson, Andrew
Brumting, LukeBryan, Brian Murray,
Colby Schutt, Tyler Bergman, J orclan
Lnsen, DustinPm,·lc)·, Fric Scheer.
Front: Cindy \\'oodbury, S.1ra Ballard,
Chrissy Push, Shelby Morris, Ashley
Guylc, Ashley Janecek, M,uyWinkleman,
Heather Barris. ( ot pictured: Heather
Tweedy and Kesha Mapes.)
l.Tylcr Bergman, senior, recie,·es congratulations for
his accompli.,hmems. 2. Se,·cral of the graduating class
look on as Luke Bryan gi\'CS his Salutorian address.
3.Senior Mary \\'inkleman receiYes her diploma. 4.
Graduating Seniors Ashley Janacek and Jordan Larsen
"'·itch their tassels indicating their completion of high
38 Graduation