Page 6 - YB_2005
P. 6
Seniors Ashk·) Gude, C hriss\ Push, .md )helb) Mor-
ris t,tke a fe\\ minutes to pose for ,t group photo during
the Homecoming d.mce. The girls sponed the "must D uring a toorball g.1me the 7th
haye" updos and rhe curly hair of rhe Homecoming gr.1de girls huddle to discuss the
nighr. !.nest gossip.
Student "must haves":
Cell phones, cars and friends
What goes 60 mph and rings? loud bass, go to movie at the AMC the-
Tyler Carl on with the two bigg st atre or make trips to aco Bell.
essentials a teenager must have: a car One of the few times the music gets
and a cell phone. turned down is when high schoolers
One of the most crucial necessi- are yapping on their cell phone . There
ties to high school r-------------, are many reasons why
students is a vehicle. "Without.friends nothing's cell phones are a big
'bl Tl
Whether it's a sports posst e. 1ey a o te me "must have."
car, pickup truck or I I . "You can talk with
w 1en I wve stu.f on my
a minivan, many tu- friend and make plans
dents see them as a for the week,"said
Cindy Woodberry
way of getting to the sophomore Emily
places they want to Bergman.
go. Friends are greatly needed dur-
"It's how I get to where I want ing high school years. "Without friends
to go,"said senior Mary Winkelman nothing's possible," said senior Cindy
about her Honda Civic. Woodberry. "They al o tell m wh n I
On weekends many student stuff on my face."
drive around listening to music with
2 Opening