Page 7 - YB_2005
P. 7

Eighth grade boys take time to sup-
                                                                           port and watch  1 junior high \'OI-
                                                                           Ieyball  game.

                                                                          Sophomore Rachel Glenn helps fellow
                                                                           classmate Jessie  Guyle  tie  her  shoes
                                                                           during the Homecoming dance.

             Senior Tyler  Carlson  tests  out  his   During  the  EC0!C  One Act  perfor-  During a  football  game  seniors  Sara
             e'\tr,\  truck's  ne\\'  engine.  The  en-  m,lnces Jaclyn Thor'>on, T r,1cy  Ballard   R1lbrd  and Chri'" Pmh cheer on their
             gine  \las  donated  by  Mr.  0 ,1hl  for   ,md Emil~ Bergman pL1~ c1rds. SeYeral   feiiO\\  Raiders. Th~ ~ell squad\\ as much
              the shop class.              drama  members  pL1yed  g,unes  during   needed to help the crO\\·d gi\·e support
                                           the long \\'ait  to perform.   to the teams.
                                                                                              Theme  3
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