Page 10 - YB_2006
P. 10
Senior Adam Rasmussen feels the pain of Literally red in the nose after getting el-
rejection at Homecoming after asking jun- bowed in the Palmyra varsity game, senior
iors Chelsea LaCroix and Alicia Virgl to Allison Leimer ices her nose to control the
dance. swelling and bleeding.
Red in the
F a c e
Tripping and falling in depantsed me with everyone
gym class. Toilet paper stuck watching," Lisa said.
to your shoe. Booger on your Most people's first reac-
nose. Everyone has experi· tion after an embarrassing
enced these or similar moment is to look around to
moments of utter humiliation. see who saw them. However,
Such episodes are the ones everyone has a different way
we will unfortunately remem· of dealing with an embarrass·
ber for years to come. ing situation. "Laugh •.. a few
Frequently, the level of more laughs .•. and laugh
embarrassment is related to some more," is how senior
how many people see the in· Jeremy Larsen deals with an
cident. The more people that embarrassing moment.
see It, the worse it is. Believe it or not, every-
For junior Lisa Kuhr it one has had an embarrassing
was truly embarrassing to get moment. In the end embar-
caught in a parking lot with rassing moments aren't so
her pants down. "When I was bad after all. Hopefully we
walking out of Target towards can take Jeremy's advice Discovering her special talent junior Jaclyn
my van my little brother An· when we remember embar· Thorson balances a pen on her upper lip
drew ran up behind me and rassing moments and just in English class.
laugh and laugh some more.
6 People