Page 6 - YB_2006
P. 6
During a free day, seniors Jeremy Larsen Seniors Allison Leimer and Elisha Konecky
and Tim Armbrust team up to earn their whisper to each other during American
team points by playing a competitive game Government. Sharing secrets helps to ereĀ·
of ping pong. ate relationships throughout high school.
Memories are a way of Treptow, Josh Charles, and
holding onto the things we love, Matt Heanue hid Adam
the things we are, and the things Rasmussen's car from him.
we never want to lose. A They had Adam get in Dallas' car
memory is something we can while Matt drove Adam's car
take anywhere; it is not a place around. "Adam didn't know
or thing, but is something kept who had stolen it. He finally fig-
close to our hearts that we will ured it out when he got a good
never forget. look at him when we drove by
Senior Devin Tharp will Matt," Dallas said.
never forget when Ashley Guyle Our times at Mead Public
made him get down on one knee Schools are going to create
and propose to her. "We pre- memories that will live inside of
tended to be married through- us forever. Hopefully, this year-
out my junior year," he said. book will help us to always re-
Memories help us to make member the great times spent
meaning of our lives and mean- with friends, faculty, and fellow
ing of our relationships. They classmates at Mead Public
help us to create bonds that will Schools.
keep us connected to our Though our memories of
friends for years to come. today will soon be yesterdays, Senior Brian Kuhr, junior Jeff ChvataL
Junior Dallas Vogt will al- they will forever live in our to- sophomore Adam Taylor, and junior Matt
Heanue cheer on the Lady Raider volley-
ways remember when he, Mark morrows.
ball team.
2 Opening