Page 26 - YB_2006
P. 26
Second Team
Brian Kuhr
Third Team
Nate Thorson rk
Wahoo Newspaper
Third Team
Brian Kuhr leads the
Honorable Mention
Adam Rasmussen
Nate Thorson
Omaha World-Hera! All- Raiders
Honorable Mention
Brian Kuhr
Nate Thorson The Raiders fell short of their dream of state, but
Lincoln Journal Star All-
~ their hard work and dedication paid off
Honorable Mention
Brian Kuhr he season was their high point when
Nate Thorson
may have not everything came to·
ended with a gether.
fairy tale, but The teamwork really
the boys bas- showed in the team's de·
ketball team fensive game. "You can-
walked away not prevent opponents
with so much more. from scoring a high num·
"The teammates ber of points without
and coaches are some of great defensive team ef·
the best friends I'll ever fort," said head coach
have," said senior Mark P.J. Quinn. The team's
Treptow. defensive average at the
The boys' chemis· end of the season was
try is what brought them 39.1.
together to have a good Although the season
season. had a disappointing end·
"My motivation was ing, with a four point loss
my teammates," said to Shelby in the sub dis·
senior Brian Kuhr. This trict final the boys agree
was also the motivation that the hard work, effort,
of the eight other se· and dedication was all
niors. worth it.
The chemistry fi· "It
nally paid off against C· was good
2 ranked East Butler. At bonding
half time the Raiders between
Senior Tim Armbrust were behind by ten all of the
dribbles down the court. players
points. The Raiders lim·
Tim was one of the nine
ited East Butler to three and you knew you were
seniors that led the team.
points in the fourth all friends," said senior
quarter to pull off the Justin Johnson.
comeback victory. For
many of the boys this
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