Page 29 - YB_2006
P. 29
e Few,
he Proud,
the Strong
State Qualifiers
Lo119 Jump
Jeff Cfwatal
he Raider meet. For the girls, how-
track team ever, freshman Carol Triple Jump
started the Miller was the only girl to Jared Larson
season fresh place in the top three for
800 Meter
with a new every race. Carol Miller
coach and Mead's districts was
1600 Meter
new class for held at Oakland Craig. Carol Miller
d istricts. The Raiders The boys team brought in
3200 Meter
were moved up to class 72 points, placing third. Jimmie Doherty
c. The Raider track team
The runners also had four members School Records
sometimes found them- who qualified for state.
Katie Schmidt
selves trying to catch Senior .Jimmie Doherty 109ft.
their breath from all of placed 1st in the 3200
800 Meter
the tough practices. Run- with a time of 10:41.8.
Carol Miller
ners would do speed .Junior .Jeffrey Chvatal 2:25.2
workouts, two mile jogs, jumped 19'113/4", making
1600 Meter
800 meter runs, and the his second trip to state in Carol Miller
distance runners would the long jump. Sopho- 5:23.9
run between three to six more .Jared Larsen took
3200 Meter
miles. "We did a lot of first place in the triple Carol Miller
different warm-ups and jump with a jump of 40'7. 12:33
the practices were hard," Freshman Carol Miller
said junior Matt Heanue. took home two gold med-
"It felt like football sea- als at districts. Carol
son all over again." qualifed for state in the
Although the track 800 with a time of 2:27.7
team had a limited num- and the
ber of members, the boys 1 6 0 0
team still managed to with a Sailing through the
rack up points during time of air, junior Jeffrey
meets. .Juniors .Jeffrey 5:32.7. Chvatal jumps into
Chvatal and Shane Divoll A t the long jump pit.
and sophomore .Jared the state meet, Carol Jeffrey made his
second consecu-
Larsen proved to be the Miller placed second in
tive apperance at
backbone of the boys the 1600 and broke
state in the long
team by placing in the school records in the
top three in almost every 800 and 1600.
Track 25