Page 45 - YB_2006
P. 45


                                                  Class of 200b

                                    Justin Johnson-Salutatorian              Allison Leimer-Valedictorlan
                                 "Well  friends,  It's  going  to  be   "Graduation  Is  played  In  helping
                             we finally made it.  hard  parting  our   the  start  of  an- eachothergrowas
                             Didn't  think  it  own ways,  but we      other  new  begin- individuals."
                             would ever come,  will  always  have      nlng."              "Times will always
                             but  here  we  are.  our friendship and    "Mead was a new  change,  but  the
                             We can finally kiss  memories  to  look   beginning  for  me  memories we have
                             our    senioritis  back on."              five  years  ago.  made  here  to·
                             good-bye.     For    "Class of 2006,      Now,  I  cannot  gether  at  Mead
                             some of us, that's  may  we  continue     fathom  what  life  High will stay with
                             a  huge  relief,  be·  to reach our goals   would  have  been  us  forever.  Re-
                             ing  we've  had  it  and    succeed       like without my 26  member,  Winston
                             since  junior  high.  through  this jour·   classmates."     Churchill  once
                             Fortunately,  we  ney  before  us.         "My hope is that  said,  "This  is  not
                             are  able  to  over- May we keep each     each of us will take  the end.  It is  not
   CLOCKWISE  from  the  TOP  come this obstacle  other In our hearts   apartofourfellow  even  the  begin-
   RIGHT:  Adam Rasmussen escorts  to  get  where  we  and   in   our   classmates with as  ning  of the  end.
   Amber  Push  during  the  Gradua-  are today."   prayers, so that we   we  go  our  sepa-  But it is,  perhaps,
   tion  March.  The  seniors  laugh
   amongst themselves as they watch   "Well, our class  may   remain   rate  ways.  This  the end of the be·
   the  senior slideshow.  Brian  Kuhr  has  been  pretty  friends  through-  way we will always  ginning."
   receives  his  scholrships  from  the  fortunate, thus far  out the years.  Re·   remember   the
   counselor,  Mrs.  Jones.  Morgan   and  has  made  member, goodbye   memories  we've
   Wright  and  Justin  Jonhson  sing
                             some very memo- Is not forever."          shared  and  the
   their duet "The Prayer·, during the
                             rable moments.                            roles we have
   baccalaureate ceremoeny at gradu-

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