Page 24 - YB_2008
P. 24
The year started off w,th the new 2007 2008 officers: Pres,dent Ally Selko,
V 1ce Pres1dent Carol Mdler, Secretary Amy W 1mer, Treasurer Andrea Schm,dt,
Reporter Br,ttany Sterup, Parhmentar,an Cass1e Parsons, and Senbnel Kr1sbna
Johnson. The f,rst th,ng they d,d w,th the members was an oubng to a Salt Dogs
game. There were many meebngs and they dec,ded to change FFA up a httle by
selhng V dhage Inn pies 1nstead of fru,t th,s year because Mrs. Koc1an was gone on
maturan1ty leave. They d,d many acbv,bes th1s year some of wh1ch were the Salt
Dogs game, Conservabon Sensabon, Ag Awareness, the candy cane dr,ve, Fontenelle,
and the1r annual Alumn1 spaghetb feed. Many parbc1pated 1n the LSt; and CDt;
contests and had such luck to make ,t to state. The 1nstallabon of new off,cers for
the new year was 1n Aprd and the members sa1d good bye to Mrs. Koc1an who has Above: 07- 08 officers front row (L toR): Carol Miller.
Brlttanlj Sterup. Andrea Scllmldt (L to R): Krlsslf Johnson.
had her last year at Mead. Cassie Parsons. Amlf Wimer, and Advisor Mrs. Kocian
Above: Tile FFA officers enJolf bonding time at Applebees
Just before state.
Above: Tile FFA put together a 1\ot dog Above: Mrs. Kocian 1\elps out wltll
eating contest during homecoming
tile a1111ual spaghetti feed.
weelc manlj students participated.
Above: Informing communltlf Above: Sophomore Mellsa Wonder Above: Freshman Morlall N4gren Above: During 1\er ltuman
members about Avian Influenza and freshman Abbelf Wageman enJolf enJolfS 1\er frultlf brealcfast at tile Leadership class, sophomore Amlf
Junior Brlttanlj Sterup and senior watclllng tile Salt Dogs game during alumni brealcfast during FFA Weelc. Wimer converses wltll tile senior
Alllf Sellco draw a blg crowd at tile tile FFA summer outing. citizens of our communltlf.
Saunders Countlj Fair.
20 FFA