Page 25 - YB_2008
P. 25
"Cinde&re&lla 'Wore& CoybaT ""BooT5"
Stage Managers ...... Andrea Schm,dt. Sam !::van•. and Amy W,mer
Above: Drama members eaqerllf
awalt plalf practice. the Falrlf Qodmother.pla1fed blf
Story teller IJesterl ..... Rachel Andmon Shelblf Brabec: and the Storlf
Teller.plalfed blf Rachel Anderson: ............................... Bnan Pearson
delalf action while Cinderella
Queen ........................... Aily Selko chanqes Into her qown.
Pnnce ........................... Lev1 Koelmel
Guard l ........................ Zach Koelmel
Guard 2 ........................ Kat.e Johnson
Guard 3 ........................ 0hv•a Johnson
Guard 4 ........................ Knssy Johnson
Motherella .................... Bnttany Sterup
Godzella ....................... Mar,ah Frahm
Mazzarella .................... Br.ttan• Brabec
C,nderella .................... Rebecca Murray
Fa,ry Godmother ....... .Shelby Brabec
Above: The evil Stepmother.Brlttanlf
Above: "Do lfOU Believe In maqlc"l I::xtras for the Ball ..... Stephan,e Fredet~ckson, Sterup: Qodzella.Marlah Frahm: and
Falrlf Qodmother Shelblf Brabec Ashley Berner, Amanda He.nke, Taylor Hannan. Mozzarella.Brlttanl Brabec: thlnlc. of
prepares Cinderella, Rebecca Mur- what the4're qolnq to do next to tease
ralj. for the ball. I::m.Iy Gama. Bntlany Monn, K.Iey Schm1dl. poor Cinderella.
Ashley Moravec, and M.chelle Kuhr
Crew Members
Kelly Cooper. Manella Gu,gno. Cody He.nke,Carol M.Iler. Monah
Nygren. Cass.e Par.ons. Ann.e Schoenherr Mar,ah Swanson. Don
Treptow, Lacey Wh,taker. Mehsa Wonder
Forget what you th.nk you know about C!llderella, because th.s year the
Drama department broke the moldi'C,nderella Wore Combat Boots' by
Jerry Chase had parts of the fam.har tale told but a htlle
modern The evd stepmother and s.sters d,d the!f part to ru!ll poor
Above: l::rllllf Johnson and C!llderella's hopes and dreams; there was a dragon crazy.yet shy prtnce Above: l::lnq Charmlnq. pla1fed blf
Olivia Johnson are quletllf and a story teller who helped gu,de our way through th.s comp!,cated Brian Pearson. another
tale. And C,nderella d,d wear combat boots! Charmlnq proclamation.
Above: Zach l::oelmel stands quard as
the ladles at the ball. Ta1flor ltannan
and l::lle4 Schmidt, tr4 to catch the
prince's e4e.
Above:Speechless with disbelief Clnderella.pla1fed
Above: Prince Charmlnq. plalfed blf levi l::oel- blf Rebecca Murra4. Is 1\avlnq Issues with her
mel,eaqerllf awaits Ills danclnq Jesson from Mrs. Prince Charmlnq.plalfed blf levll::oelmel.
Drama - One-Act 21