Page 33 - YB_2008
P. 33

"Chip A Tooth"

     Above1 Speech Coach Mrs. l(ruse lauqhs at
     the speech team tal:lnq funnlj picture~.

                                             Top1Levl     Samantha
                                             . Rachel Andersen. Mariah
                                               Murralj. Katie Johnson,
                                               lotto11u l  to R Andrea
                                         ""'''m• .. •· Shelblf Brabec, Saii!Gntlla
                                               Olivia Johnson. and ICI'IIIIf

                   Thts year there were twelve speech team members. The  members
                   tnclude: Senior Levi Koelmel. Jun10rs  Rebecca Murray, Martah Frahm, and Andrea Schmtdl. Sophomores
                   Shelby Brabec, Rachel Andersen, Samantha ~s, Samantha Ballard, and Knsbna Johnson, and
                   Fr9shmen Ohvta Johnson, Taylor Hannan  and K~ Johnson. They all dtd outstandtng at conference and
                   dlltrttct       t~ duet team came 1n 4th place. Samantha Ballard's speech placed her 3rd m
                   £ntertainment. Knstina Johnson J>laced 4th in  her Persuasive speech. At Distnct SJ>eech everyone who at
                   tended rece1ved a supenor rating tn at least one of thetr rounds. The OlD team came 1n 3rd place, Duet
                   came 1n 4th, and Andrea Schmidt came tn 4th place in her poetry speech. Mead's Speech team placed 3rd
                   overall at distriCts.
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