Page 39 - YB_2008
P. 39

Above left: Senior Adam
    District competition hoplnq to qet ahead of his opponants.
    Above rlqht: Ta1flor qlldu easlllf over the bar at the State
    competition to earn 7th. Talflor also competed In the 400
    meter Dash.
                                   Below: Amy WT                                               Left: Shot
                                  a~ds another :'oer, •ophomore                                }lin/or R  b Plltter
                                  '••e 'PN    o•t of e   .                                    AftJrr   e  ecca
                                  4.rr 1   nts down  the   nergy as                           her :y gathers
                                  5th 100 relay Which  ..  tract In  the                      that~ rength for
                                     n at Dl   •oer tea 111
                                 competed I strtcts. Wimer  I Placed                          She thast Pllsh as
                                 dies    n the  too   a so                                   D    rows at th
                                     and Placed 6   meter hllr-                              t   oanelftd   e
                                                                                                   "  oor
                                             th at Dlstrtcts.                                 ract meet.

                                                          Above from left to rlqht:l(elllj Cooper.Don Treptow.Niclc  Larson,Bobblf
                                                          Bennett.  Tim  ltlclcman.Josh Charles.Richard U/lnlcelman.Jared Lor-
                                                          son.Brett Vlrql, Adam Ta1flor,Ethan Wellman. Middle Rolli lett to rlqht:
                                                          Perr11 Storm. TJ  McMahon. Bottom Rolli left to rlqht: Jamie Dlvoll, Jen-
                                                          nifer Barrl•. Moriah Nljqren. Beclclj  Mllrralj. Marlena Qlugno. Amlf
                                                          Ullmer, Olivia Johnson. Katie Johnson. lteather Thorson. Front Rolli left
                                                          to rlqht: Carol Miller, Samantha Evans.
                                                                                                     Track  35
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