Page 48 - YB_2008
P. 48
Sophomore Brett Vlrql rocks out
while plaljlnq pep band durlnq
the Osceola vollelfball qame.
The Mead Junior/Senior ltlqh Sc:llool band performs
each l(ear at the pancake feed for the members of Elqllth qrader Jenna Schutt poses
the River Cftl( Roundup. for a cute picture while plaljlnq pep
band durlnq the Osceola vollelfball
On April t8th, 2008 cix students departed for Yutan High School. They would
late.r be joined by the band and then even later by the rest of the chorus. Those
students that attended competed Ill what we call the 'Dtstrtct Mustc Contest.' They
performed a wtda vartety of J>!eces from Broadway to contamporary. There were
many vocal duab and solos but only one yielded a sU))Il'tOr llcore of I Emtly Gar
cia can~ a vocal splo of 'Cross The Wide M1ssourt.' the jUdge liked her performance
and granted her a I. The rest all received Il's which iS shU very good considering
the judges have been very tough the pact couple of years. The High School chorus
also performed as a whole as well as only tn a Women's Group, they both received
lis. There were also many Instrumental pieces done. a few solos and mostly duets.
The Band as a whole also performed and received a II as well. Overall It was a
very successful day for the chorus and band, even though only one superior rahflg
was achieved. I:veryone 1S already looking forwRrd to next years contest and
Part of tile ltlqll School Chorus pel'formlnt some are already searching for thetr next song to perform.
a dance ~nedllf at tile annual Soup and Son9
Concert to raise monelj for tile Music
Boosters proqram.