Page 51 - YB_2008
P. 51
Above: Durlnq a fast. competitive qame of bowllnq. c:a .• rft...,. ........ lie would look like with a headband.
junior Jamie Dlvoll doesn't worr11 about form and Rasmussen debates whether or
qoes stralqllt tor tile qrannlj toss. Me decides not once tile headache sets
ove Top: Frustrated wltll Ills computer project junior Eric Johnson takes
a reak to reassess tile situation.
Above lett: Senslnq tile camera Is near. junior TJ MacMahon. shows some
personalltlj to tile camera.
Above R:lqllt: With qreat dexterltlj and skill. freshman Dillon Marnlsll dances
clear of tile lncomlnq ball durlnq a festive qame of dodqeball.