Page 23 - YB_2009
P. 23

,low: Junior  Andr6w Raeemll006n
 rme off roo  mlnl-elart and  ehav6d
 !" t.iuJ1ne  Be Bold  <lay.
                             Arove:  Studente weren't  tl16
                             only  Ot166  06ttin0 In on tl16  dreoo
                             up  tlaye.  Mre.  Kruee  clonn6d  on  h6r
                             (laudJeet outfit for Be  Bold Day.
                                                       Avove (L  to R!. Senlore Aml>6r Th!IIJand6r,  Rorert Bennett, AndrtJa
                                                       Schmldt, T!m  Hickman, Rel>6cca  MtJrTay,  Carol  Mill6r,  Mariah ft-ahm,
                                                       and Jaml6  Dlvoll  ehout tl16  Raider Battle Cry ch66r In  tl161r i\jht
                                                       to out y6ll  tl16 Jmlore  In tl16  final  yell  off.

  Below: Junior T ereea T ruml1ra6(!61
  ehowe off h6r  human  talent l:>y
  ~ Gennan to h6r  peere
  whJGh  only  0116  ot116r  etu<l6nt GOUld
  oo  wtth f!U6nGy.

                                                    Arove: ft-6ehman l..!ndeey f'6ateon
                                                    poe&; for tl16 Ga!T16ra  whll6  e~!n0
                                                    h6r  cute outfit for  Dleco/80 e day.

                                                     Below  (L to RJ.  ~
                                                     ~re Martin He1n6n,  Dillon
                                                     Drewe,  and  eeventh ~re
                       Arove: Junior Kr!eey Johneon ek!pe  around  tl16  l.etltlla Joool:>o,  Miranda
                       hallwaye  In  h6r  Good ve.  Evil  outfit.   Charl6e, and MaddJoon  Nygren
                                                     awalt tl16 final ~ of Be
                                                     Bold <lay.

                                                Left: Sophomoree Sh61!>y Wint6r and Mariah
                                                Swan.oon  define tl16 1n1JaM1n0  of oohool  eplrlt.
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