Page 24 - YB_2009
P. 24

Avov6:  56nlor  Carol  Mliit
                                                                                             ehowe  what;  eh6'e  eot .r.
                                                              Al>ovlj:  56nlore  HBat;hBr  Thoreon  and  Erlo   the dru=l
                                                              Johnoon  miX  eom6  of their rnovee  t;oeBtrer  and
                                                              or~ a whol6  MBW  et;yle.
                                Avovlj:  Sophomor"  E t;~w, f?.uh6  1;rt6e  t;o  eBt;
                               JUnior  Andr6w  Raemuetl6n e  at;t;Bnt;Jon  whllll
                                Andr"w danoee  t;o t;M muelo.

                              L,n:  56nlor  Tim  Hlokman
                              mult;Jt;aeke  at;  t;h"  danu  l:>y
                              danoJne  and eJnelnel

                                                                    ... f\nd the Walls Rocked
                                                   1\fter the Raiders defeated    ~lide, Cotton Joe, etc.
                                                    the Connestoga Cougars,       This night was a time for
                                                    Carol Miller and E.ric        students to hang out with
                                                    Johnson were crowned as       friends while being dressed
                                                    1-Iomecoming Royalty for      up instead of just a t-shirt
                                                    2008.                         and jeans.
                                                    The following night was       Many students danced the
                                                    filled with music, dancing,   night away while others
          Arov11:  5ophomor11  Ollvla  Johneon,  JUnior  Krteey  Johneon,  tl6nior   singing and many photos.   sat and talked amongst
          Rm6ooa  Murray,  and JUnior  Nathan  Rav"r erov"  t;o  the Cha  Cha
          SildB.                                    ~tudents danced to many       themselves along the wall.
                                                    popular dances like: ~uljl    This tradition of homeco~
                                                    Boy, Cha Cha ~lide, E.lectric   will never end
                                                   Below: Junior, Sam..ntn.. Banard
                                                   t;ak6e a !:>rllllk  from  danoJne  and
                                                                        B111ow:  5ophomor11  Don  Tr11ptow,  frlltlhman  Will  Wink6iman, ""
                               B6low:  56nlor  Mariah  Frahm   t;alke With  h6r dat;, only  t;o 1:>6   oophomor6  Jak6  Vir!jl  Ghat;  for  a  iJ1;1;I6  !:>It;  1:>6for6  GB1;t;Jne  trd
                               mov6e  t;o  h6r  own  1>11at;  at;       erDV""  on.
                               the dano6.

          Arov11:  Junior Tt~r6ell
          T uml:>r~~ fr6ehm6n  J6nna
          Sohut;t; and  Nlool6 Ot;t;B,  and
          jUnior SMII:>y Bra1:>6o  rnov6
          their l>odJee  t;o t;M El6o1;no

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