Page 31 - YB_2009
P. 31
It was a CindereUa story season for t lC • lead w ere they needed to reverse the curse. \vith a
Raider Boys Basketball team. \vith the season seventeen point win against Burwell, the team
out with a loss to Johnson C{)unty certainly reversed it and would be moving on to
the Raiders came back to place 2nd at the dmmpionship match at the Devany .Sports
C{)rtten~nce and 2nd at Districts and making it on center where the school had not been since
wild card into the .State Tournement. 1935.
Avovll:, ooo~ and The first day of the .State Tournement for the The .State Toumement against the liumphrey
co~Ut&:l durme thll boys was a game against the number one seed, .St. Francis Flyers stayed close throughout the
~ ~ Ravor eote J\rapahoe. It was down to the wire when the duration. It was an exdting and breathless
: : or "" oaey Raiders pulled out a two point lead as the clock experience for all players and spectators
ran down. involved. Mead fought a tough balltle and pulled
Day two dawned and the Raiders would have out a three point lead to win for the first time in
to play at the infamous Pershing !\ uditorium 74years.
Avov,: Junior KeOy Cooper
}lmpe to mal:o a ehot; and acorll
two for tM team ~ tM Stat.,
Champtonehlp 0ft!TIO.
Avov: Nate Ravllr l>loGke a ehot;
l:>y a Sa11:mor-5nydllr T ro.Jan.
Avov,: 56nJor Ertc Johneon ehoote
ovllr a Ayl!lr ~ to mal:o eomo
poll1te durJne tM lM1; f6W ~
of tM q,lJal'tllr.
J....,ft: After a q,ulcl: "wat l:>y andrllw
Raemlll!e6n ho !10"" to rocillvo tM Pall for
J....,ft: Sophomoro Matt Rozlo lool:ll to roclllvo
tM atoal
a P""" durtne tM .N 0ftiTlO aeaJns1; f' almyra
Boys Basketball 27