Page 32 - YB_2009
P. 32
It will be hard to The f'ht><•rll!l""rlPrc
top this fun-filled year for the worked very hard on pep
cheerleaders. From hiding in rallies, crowd cheers, and
the over-! OO<Iegree milk rooler raising school spirit. parents,
~emll8 rat to singing in the van rides to students, and faculty alike
;:~ learning and teaching crowd all thought that this years
cheers all in one week, the cheerleaders were fantastic. Mf. r------:ill-r-1
~<Lto RJ:
Sophomotlle squad made the most of 2008 Quilm added that he not only
O!Ma Johnoon and 2009. appreciated the school spirit
and Amanda The cheerleading they brought to the school as
H81nk6 f!aeh squad consisted of senior the coach of the basketball
th6Jr #1 captain Brittany .Sterup; and team, but thought it was also
•(..)IJI!YiiiJ juniors Melisa Wonder and nice to see as a principal. There
L8ft a. to RJ: Kiley Schmidt; sophomores are high hopes for next year's
Kiley, Taylor, Olivia Johnson, co.captain, squad to continue to keep
Brtttany, and f\manda 1-Ieink.e, and Taylor spirits and hands held high.
Amanda poo6 1-Iannan; and freshman Jenna R.Jeht; <L to R!. 5nowlng r~ for th6Jr
::aa~ Schutt. 001Jlt1;ry, JUnior Mel!ea Worv:ie,r, oophomor6 Ol!vta
Johneon, and frt'Jehman .knna 5chtrt;1; ealu1;6 th6
flfl(l .:lur!ne 1;116 "St;ar Bann6r".
B6low <L to RJ: Junior Kiley SchmJd!;, E>6t1lor
Brtttany S!;I}Mlp, frt'Jehman .l6nna Sohtrt;1;,
oophomor&; T ay1or Hannan, O!Ma Johneon, and
Amanda H81nk6 eroup t;oetlth6r for a t;l}am photo.
Atx:N6 IT op L to RJ: 56nJor Brtttany ~.
oophomorlle T ay1or Hannan and O!Ma Johneon, and
frt'Jehman .knna Sohtrt;1;. CBot;tom L to RJ: Junior
Kiley SchmJd!;, and oophomor6 Amanda H81nk6 ehow
off th6Jr "1ov6" for 1;116 J>aek6t;J,all play6re.
28 Cheerleading