Page 37 - YB_2009
P. 37

From top left to right: Kat16  Johnoon,
                                                          Brandon  Morin,  Cody  Heinke,  Kelly Cooper,  Brian
                                                        Pearoon,  Don 'freptow, Cratg Thtlllander  Harley Kruger,
                                                                  'faylor  H~ Caoole Paroone,
                                                        Brittany Sterup, Andrea Schmidt, Becky Murry, Ma-
                                                        riah  Frm, Clwleea  Muegrave,  Aehley  Moravec,  Ollvta
                                                                      Johnoon, Sam Bakd,
                                                               Mlohelle Kuhr,  Shelby Brabec, Rachel
                                                               Anderoon, Kiley Schmidt, Amy W!m6r,
                                                         Stephanie fr&:lrlokeon,  Allloon  Hough,  Jaml6  l..areen,
                                                        Jenna Schutt, Amanda Ruhe,  Mellea WontJer,  Kr!ooy
                                                        Johnoon,  Emily Garola, Zaok  Krelme~ Llru:leey P earoon,
                                                                Mlohele Garola, and  Moriah  Nygren.
                                                         rrs Jnduot&:l ten new  metni:;lere  thJe  year and worked
                                                                hard  on  the perfomoanoee thJe year.

        Right! From  left to right Amber  Krelme~
         Jalynn l..arun, Devynn P atocka, Stevie
        Kruger,  loweD  Johnoon, Claire  Brabec,  and
                    Haley  Koneckey.
        The Dt Group perfol"tl16<.{  "Axle 'f alee"  and
           q uallfl&:l  for the State oompetttlon.

                                                                 Left! From  left to right Rachel
                                                              Andereen, Carol  Miller,  Heather Thoroon.
                                                            Nate Raver, Erlo Johnoon  and Brian Pearoon.
                                                               The  Qutz Bowl teame partlolpat&:l  In
                                                             Conferenoe  and Dtetrlote and though they
                                                             dJdn t  plaoe, they enjOYed the experlenoe.

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