Page 49 - YB_2009
P. 49
Qass Proj~cts
The nasty smell of no better way to learn
formaldehyde and the j>kes hands on and that is exactly Arov~: Senior ~r Thoroon t>howe
AJxN~: JU!1lor Br~1;1; Ylrfl~
off her ~If-propelled 6hll ~ In
fu1;ur~ mad ec16trt;l6t, ,;howe
fhyelo<! olaoo. '
off' hit! gloop In Cheml6try.
and songs of art class are just the thing that the teachers
two small things that have of Mead public SChools Lett: Senior
Brittany 5tel1lp
dworatBe her
.. to do with class projects to portray. Not only do "An; Cake" for tilt;
how f1naJ ohalll;t1(!6 In
Advruua An; olaoo.
in this school. Many other projects help the students ----
Right: Ae moot
things are done such as all learn, they also help them ~"t.; llke to
clo, JUnior ~r
Moorker pleye a
of their silly projects with to make fun memories with OOot1; ~ of 1
on 1 plnfl pone
refor~ tilt; lunch
cars and eggs in physics, their friends as well as make ~rtod "' ov~r.
moles and chemical pies new memories with new -- . left; a. to RJ.
~ SophomorM Kat16
~ · . Johnoon, OIMa
crazy videos that are made have otherwise gotten the l.•~
in chemistry, and all of the friends that they wouldn't
Johnoon, Cath6~
Coady, Rhonda
WorvJer, and Amanda
}-U;Jnke munch clown on
1 \ ~ ~ clou{jnllt6 that tilt;
in .Spanish class. There is chance to talk to. y~ dtJrJnfl ff'A Woek.
~t: Sev~nth f!rad!Jre Devynn f atooka, ~ Roz!o, and Ryan H~ ~rform tMir
~lf-wrltt6n Norr~ pley produotlone.
Pv-oi~ ~ov£a>
rlssy Johnson· "M V
fnaking 'the "M · Y favori'te me
the n e gus'tas tu" . mary Was Katie Johnson: M,., Rogel'S would always touch the dead
ews cas't Video in .music Video and stuff with his bal'e hands, but we neve,. would. I thought
it wsa funny that he nevet< gave the othe,. class gloves.
. t ~rainsterm .
- . " t was rea II~ 1nterest1Ylg e " d -tood colo nne
J'amie tllvell. % te ~uil~ eur castle. \)..\\)Q.n \)..\Q. addQ. \)..\i'tn rr!
·t~ 1"J te ~igure eut ~ew ~~...~l" -ta'-~ori'tQ. \)..\05 bQ.in9 a IJ.on5-tQ.r
WI AIJ.~ \i)o._..lpr• ~~-~nd ""BrQ.TT \)..\05
;-o ;-\)Q. Gloor>
Class Projects 45