Page 53 - YB_2009
P. 53
!..6ft U. to Rl: JIIGO!> ~nn
and Bovl>y BonMtt paee ~
t;~rM on ~ lone t>ue na., l>y
"""lne how many eemJe ~y
. ~/ '~;}
could ""t to honk at them. ,.l,' -~: ... _ ,, ' . - -~
110S spent watching A. merican -"' • i. . .
!Gladiators as a group in the boys'
The seniors made the
nJost of their trip, barely stopping Arove a. to RJ: r!avln(:! }Jet arrived, ~ een1or
looye Tim HJci:msn, Jordan Mo!JM, Eric Johneon,
n sleep. The memories they made Bovl>y ~tt. Jacot> Glenn and Ethan
~lill stay with them as they go Wellnwt had to ol1eok out~ pool r1(irt; awtry.
meir separate ways.
!..6ft a. to RJ:
c-~ f'llrt!OIU! and
6rtttany 6t6rop
rnai:6 ~lr Wtr:f
down~ watm- Arove a. to RJ: Top:AmJ,.,r ~r. Caee~ f'areone, and Tim H1G1:man.
after oomJne down Middle: Jordan Mo!JM, Er1G Johneon, SydMy Y oet. Jaco~> Glonn, and
Dm1 of~ many Ethan Wellman. Bottom: Bovl>y BonMtt, Carol Miller, Re1=ca MU!Ttr:f,
_ ....;.:... ___ ___J elldM. Mariah fhlhm. 6rtttany Sten!p, and Andrea Schmidt take one of ~lr
laet photoe tol!<'~r at~ Great Wolf~-
Arove a. to Rl: Er1G Johnoon and Jordan
Bolow U. to Rl: Top: Jacot> Glonn, Er1G Johneon, Caee~ f' areone, Moi!M epent over $00 to l!<'t ~
~ Jacot, Glenn Tim Hlckman, Bovl>y ~tt. and Jordan Mo!JM. Bottom: Mariah tlckete In ~ arcade to win ~ l:>le
rrueeearoundln~ fhlhm. SydMy Yoet, Carol Mlller, Amf,. ~r. Andrea Schmidt, atuffed toy ~ for ~lr fllrli'r1eMe.
Rel=ca Murray, Ethan Wellman. and 6rtttany 5teMJp ~
arca<l6 room and l!<'te
tol!<'~ for a eroup ptcture on one of ~ room l>alconlee.
etuGk In " klMy na.,.
!..6ft: Bovl>y ~tt weare
~ crown thst ~y won ae
" eroup pr~z&.
Arove a. to Rl: 6rtttany SteMJp,
SydMy Yoet, Carol Mtner, amd
~ f' areone poee for a ptcture
while ws!tJne to l!<'t off ~ t>ue.
~.6ft a. to RJ: SydMy Yogt;, Er1G Johneon,
3 all decided to take t;lrM out of ehopplne at ~
6rtttany SteMJp, Caee~ f' areone, and Carol Mlller
mall to tide ~ doul>le-deoker f<'11115-wheel.
~ a. to RJ: La~ ~ nJ#rt;
awtry, Carol Mtner and SydMy Y oet
enpy ~ time ~y have tol!<'~ l>y
rldlne ~ water elldM aeaJn and ll(!aJn.