Page 17 - YB_2010
P. 17
The Raider football team Things soon looked up for
started off the year With a few the Raiders; the team eamed their
uncertainties. Not only did they first win against rival Cedar Bluffs
have a new staff, they in an eagy Victory. 'The Cedar
also had a squad of siX seniors game :iS always a big one, it felt
ready to lead. Coaching the Raiders great to come out and dominate,"
in the 2009 season were Head senior Austin Pickworth said in
Coach Larry Frost and AssiStant reView of the season. The next week
Coaches Carol Frost. Jason Larsen, the Raider squad faced OCA in the
and Harold Simpson. The year homecoming game. Mter a loss in
started off slow With staggering overtime the boys pulled together
in juries leading to a loss against for a second win against Concord.ia.
Lyons-Decatur followed by two As the season wound down,
Ab:Jve: 5enior Anlrew Rasmussen reoches to grab a pass more losses to highly ranked the boys fought for the last two
from quarteri:Br.k Nathan Raver.
Clarkson and Dodge. wins but their efforts came up
The Raiders did not let the short after lasin,Q; to Conestoga and
slow beQ:innin,Q; get them down. Johnson-Brock £ven though the
Senior Kelly COOper said, 'It was a team didn't reach their ultimate
tou9:h start but the team really goaL it was still a season to be
Below: Cutting to the left. senior Brett puiTed together to put our losses remembered
Virgl races to take down a Concordia behind us to start fresh.·
Left: 5enior
Brian "Big Swede"
Pearson stays tnE
to his nickrnme as
he takes down two
defenders at once.
Left: While running down the fieki At:ove: The team runs onto the
senior Arrlrew Rasmussen drags a fiekl realy to foce the Grlar Bluffs
player with him to the endzone. Wildcats.
Football 13