Page 19 - YB_2010
P. 19


                                                            !Jft F<nml in a htilile. the
                                                             Rail<·t> make a game plan to
                                                            <Hmt  thdr oprnrx-nl.

                                                                           &low. Pregatw I''P talks were irnrnrant to the Laly
                                                                           Railer> as they psydud lhernsclv<5 up during the M<ill

    Abwe:  Senior Sanmnha Ballard sets up for a fl'Wl'rful hit against the Malrolrn Oip(l.'r>
    an:l gets the kill for the Raiders.

  2009 Volk'Ytell tmm  Front row: (I  toR) Emily Garcia. Amy Wunn, Samantha Ballard. Kristina Johnson atxl Kiley &hmidl.   Atove: Antidpating the tell's movetlX'nt. sophomore
  ~n:J row Btilltx·y llallorn Jenna &·hull. Amanda lll'inke, Olivia Johnson.  Michele Carica a.OO stud<'lll  manager Tmi Johtl!iOtt   ]atnie Larson gets a crudal dig.
  Back row: llitch Amy Surd Julia u>tKh. Anmxla Ruhr, Litxlsey Peat>et\ Allison Hough. ]amie I.arsen. and Assistant llitch
  Keshia &-lko.
                                                                                        Volleyball       15
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