Page 21 - YB_2011
P. 21
"Nothing's (Jonna
~t p U N f lfti!S ~tu.~-6'nb lla-v-6' wQPR-6'~ llar-~ an
lJ {) s {)VV,~--~_ta_f_S~~-~~-6!a~r-~r-g_u.~n~_t_Q~-6!a~r-n_p~r-_ai_~~-t_ll-6!_w_g_r-k. __
ir- a ,aca~-6'rnic~.
fiM ar-t~ an~ gtll-6'P acti-viti-6'~. Tll-6'
awar-~~ nigllb ar>-6' a cllanc-6' fgp
P-@cggnitign fgp tll-6' gr>-6'at ~tu.~-6'nt~ at
lft-6'a~ .Pu.btic Scllggt,
Eigbth graders Holey
Konecky, Hono l\1oyfield,
and Lauren Taylor
receive on award for
their Jr. High Quiz Bowl
achievements! 6reot job
Nygren and
Potocko with
their prized
Quix Bowl
Walker ~othke
receives his
award for
fantastic writing
in English Jill
)enior l\1ike
accepts on
award for
junior Brandon
l\1orin receives his
Above Top, )enior girls Amanda Heinke and awards for
Taylor Hannon happy as dams as they receive Outstanding Actor
their lost awards in their high school wreerl for One-Act both
junior Michele 6orcio also induded standing in at Conference and
appreciation from her received award. Districts.
Above l\1iddle )ophomores Aleyo ~obinson,
julio )chnell. 6ront Nelson and senior l\1orioh )eventh
)wonson stand to be rewgnized for their 6roder
ocwmplishments in choir this year. Margaret
johnson gets
Left, Winners of the 2010-Z011 Athletic ~oyolty. on award
King joke Virgl and Queen l\1orioh Nygren. Bock for her
~owL to~ ~yon Hughes. Maddison Nygren, julio keyboarding
)chnell,)omie Larsen. and Will Winkelman. Not skills.
pictured john Hayes. 17