Page 25 - YB_2011
P. 25
lo\<.e I he lime lo sil oo the slo~e lor o ptdure
~bove, 1he sen~or b o~s
GPact~ath~n i~ a tirll@ of
},~ginning~ anct a hen~ of ~net~ anct Above, }unwr 6rond fr1
WI!/ Winkelman lead f orshols }omle Larsen and
Qf CQ~P~. t~aP~. ftt tb~ ~net Qf fhH !mot high scho I he procemon of seniors o
o ceremony n
~Q~P ~niQP ~~aP, ~Q~ ~tapt tQ
tQQR "back. Qn atl of tb~ fQnct
~IQQPi~~ ~Q~ ba-v~ bact ~in~ tbat
fip~t eta~ of k.inct~Pgapt~n.
Tb~~ tw~nt~ ~niQP~ Qf tb~ eta~~
of 2.011 ba-v~ a tQt tQ NIQ~IQ},~p.
J,~t at~Q a tQt tQ tQQk. fQPwaPct tQ.
~an~ ~t~ct~nt~ gPact~at~ct witb
bQnQP~ anct ~"~P~Qn~ of t~IQ
Nc~i-v~c( a ~cbQtaP~bip. T~
~~cc~~~~ Qf t~~ tw~nt~
~t~ct~nt~ CQ~tc( nQt ba-v~ CQIQ~ tQ
pa~~ witbQ~t tb~ ~~PPQPt of
fa1Qit~. t~acb~P~. ~taff. fttt of tb~
)chull ood Ooltor
~IQQPi~~ tb~~ ba-v~ bact anct att ~bove, )uoior ushers )~;~sl o\ the se tors.
Qf tb~ IQ~IQQPi~~ t~~ ba-v~ Oeve\ood \ol\ow up
~baNe( witt gQ witb tb~IQ fQN"V~P.
11hrow their wps lo celebrate their success.
1h I Ollo1
~bove, ec oss
Below Amoodo Heinke cheerfully occepls I he Below, With o smile on her face.
scholarships she hos received through mooy lhelby Winter JOyfully accepts her
hours of hard work diploma
Above, 1he semors move thetr tassels to the left side to Above The senior's in choir sing lime 0 Your
prove their htgh school days ore over. life" for the lost time together
Graduation 2 1