Page 32 - YB_2011
P. 32

D "We (Jot the Beat"  0"Keep Udding On"

                                           -{Jo-(Jo's-                                   - Avril Lavigne-

                                      Left  The bond
                                      ploys the1r pep                                     Left The choir students sing
                                      bond songs as the                                   lhonk you· at groduollon
                                      students file into
                                      the gym for a pep

                                                             Above  Mead High Choir  Bock Row Lt  R)  I)
                                                             Joke Virg/. Ashton fergus~n. Maison fro~m ~:d r\~~;han/oughlin. 6ront Nelson.
                                                             Aleyo ~obinson. Christina Nelson Julio )  .   rOig   I wn  er. Middle ~owL to R
                                                             Hannah. )Ievie Kruger. Josie Twe~dy on~~fll. M~chel~ 6rooo. Monoh )wonson. Taylor
           Bock ~owL to 1\   Nygren. Lowell johnsor, Matthew ~oz1~ joke Virgl. and Don   Chelsea Musgrove.)enifer Borris. Rh~ndo Wo~~n xug  /rant Row L to .R  Julio Couch.
       Treptow Middle ~owL to 1\ Brondyn flog/e. 6ovin Tweedy. Brandon Morin. Katie Leonard. and   )he/by Winter. Jodynn Jansa. and )en no )chutt. er.  man  a Hemke. Jasmine Lowther.
       Anno Evens. )ewnd ~owL to 1\ Aleyo ~obinson. Allison Hough. Lauren Toylor.Morgret johnson.
        Hono Mayfield. and Holey Konecky. front ~owL to~, Daniel Huffiker. Koylee Carlson. Courtney
       Andersen. ond Moriah )wonson.

                            · Brandon Morin
                            Virgl.tr1otthew  ·
                         RozJc and l'r1orgret
                         johnson worm up for
                         the contest.

                                                                 Above  joel )path. Chelsea Musgrove. Christina Nelson.
                                                                 participated in the UNO Honor Choir os Alevo Robinson
           !e't~ht The students                                  participated in the UNO Honor Bond.
           ~  reodvt
          lhei I   a rock out
            r ost cancer!
                                                            ~ight, A small girls ensemble sings lhis
                                                            Little Light of Mine·  by C. 6regg during
                                                            the Bocwloureote ceremony.  L to Right
                                                            Alva Robinson. Michele 6orcio. Christina
                                                            Nelson. Taylor Hannon. Stevie Kruger,
                                                            and jos1eT weedy
         Tnis /f{laP in hanci anci clJgip tb{IN was a s!QaLL~P nu.IQ\.~p tnan in past /f{lap:; hu.t MV{IPtb{IL{I:;:; t}J{I{lnt:; bav{l
         !Qanag{lci tg ppgqU-0{1  a gNat :;gu.nci  aLL /f{laP Lgng.  f',  ~Lia\.L{I anci  NS~ctfu.L aN gnL:r a f{lw of tb{l wgpq':;
         tnat navq \.{l{ln U.:;{lci  tg q'q:;cpi\.{1 tn{l gpgu.p:; h:r IQu.LtipL{I p{lgpL{I  tl''Jgu.t t}J{I  /fqap. -£acl'l n{lw gpgu.p of stu.ciqnis
         stu.n cpgwq:; of ~gpLq witb tbqip :;gu.nci  anci RinciMss. OQIQ{I  bigl'ltigbt:; fpg!Q tb{l /f{laP w{IN tn{l cl'Jgip ggt a
         su.pqpigp Paling at cgnt{lst, tbq gipL:; gpgu.p ggt :;qL{Ict{lci tg sing gn TV  at ciistpict finaL:; fggt\.aLL (eta:;:; 'D), anci
         ~ic}J{~Lq Gapcia !Qaciq tnq  Dganq flgngp ~lJgiP.  Tg c{IL{I\.Patq aLL of tb{liP :;{l:;:;{l:; anci q'g :;g!Qq gpgu.p \.gnciing,
         tnq  hanci  wiLL \.{1 gging gn a tpip tg ~nMapgLi:; in Ju.M.  /lLL of tn{l stu.ciqnts ciici  an awq:;giQq jg\. in hanci anci  cbgip
         tnis :r~aP.

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