Page 28 - YB_2011
P. 28
"Kiss That r rognPstsr(Jabrisi-
In h1i~ cta~~ic tg-v-@ ~tgpy "Tl'l-@ Fpgg
.PPii'!C-@ gf opanra-tgf" },y i:<iitb V/-@i~~
an<i p-@pfQPTQ-@<i hY tn-@ ~-@a<i <iPa.TQa
tPQU.}'-@ tning~ <ig ngt gg a~
ptanM<i. Wbit-@ tPYing tg win a ki~~ tg
hHak t~ cu.p~ an<i tu.Pn biTQ hack
intg a bo.TQan, tn-@ fpgg PPinc-@
-@ncgo.nt-@P~ IQanY int-@H~ting
cbapad-@P~ a~ tn-@ <iP-@a<ifu.t
}'Pine-@~~~ an<i tn-@ -@CC-@ntPic ~U.-@-@n
Tb-@ cbaPact-@P~ w-@H ~g TQo.cb
Tl'l-@ff w-@H atwaY~ ~g Pi<iico.tgo.~. Jt
wa~ i!Qpg~~iht-@ tg ngt na-v-@ fu.n <iging
tni~. " oaf!~ jo.njgp .8Pan<ign ~gpin.
Tn-@ naP<i wgpk_ pu.t intg tni~
ppg<io.dign -@D~U.H<i a ~U.CC-@~~fo.t ptaY.
Right, (from left to right) Amber, Stev1e Krueger.
Devin Petocko, ond Chri1tino Nel1on attempt to
hide the frog from the vengeful knight.
(enter Left, (top left to right) Lind1ey Peor1on 01 Tulip, Alli1on Hough
01 Violet. (bottom left to right) Chri1tino Nel1on 01 Delphinium.
Brandon Morin 01 Hyranomou1 A frog, and Devin Potocko 01 Bertha
try to hide the frog before he ruins the dinner plon1.
Center Middle, Prince11 Tuplip, Lindley Peor1on. (left) 1hout1 while
try1ng to deny blame for turn1ng Prince11 R01e\)ulio Schnell. h01r into
o giant, tangled me11.
(enter Left, (from left to right) joel Spath, who played Sir Loncelot
Poncelot, ottock1 Wyatt Ander1on, Arthur the Page, ofler mi1loking
him for, Brandon IY1orin. lhe frog.
LefL (top from left to nghl) Mirando Chorle1.)olynn Lnr1on. Note
Loughlin, Brandon Plckworlh, Craig Thillionder. Lnnce Vukonich.
Andrew Kuhr. Ryan Hughe1. Dillon Drew1. Claire Brabec. Rondo
Wonder Taylor Honnon.)o1ie Tweedy, Koly Johnson. (middle row lef
lo right) joel Spolh, Brandon IY1orin, Alli1on Hough. Lind1ey Peor1on.
Jamie Lnr1on. Devin Pelocko. Wyatt Ander1on. (bollom lefllo right)
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stevie Krueger.)enno Schull, julio Schneii.Chrillino Nel1on. and Amber
~ Koelmel po1e on 11oge foro pholo.
24 One-Act Play