Page 15 - YB_2012
P. 15
Ttl! III fl' Berl 1111 r
Tnylor Betl11flr
.'fo.repb BetnlfioJj
Tyo11 Bire
L::ogn11 (roll .re
]eJ.rirn ·J)re))Js
Brt~11tly11 :f'lng/e
£':.)'1111 :J·f'tii/J0/1
Jo.rb !J-f'ojjllltlll
'Dn11iel :J1'ujfnf:._er
£-:o))!e// Jobi/S0/1
!J-Ialey "l(o11erf:._y
JJ(egtlll L::t/1/gblill
(ole L::ueti;_eii!JtlltS
-711111 (/ JJ ( (/ J:i i el tl
]ttrob e)tro11g
L:!tlltrfll Tny/or
11'1 er 7}u f:._o11 i rb
Left Cteom left to f=ee hmen Hana
:vfa)'ti.eld, Lowell Johnson, Laneen T aylol' and
Haley Konecky pose tot' Lhe cameLU.. atlel' Lhei.e tashi.on show. Lowel~ seen,
shows off hi.s shi.n)' new stLi.l.
Ri.ghl: Tan nee Bed neLL' Cteeshmanl can be
seen wi.Lh a sock on his ann ancl a bag n
hi.s head vvhi.le ceeale a boaL'd
game i.n ..
Watnin.g: Placing a bag ovee )'Om' head
may eestLlt in sntication.
Hiv·Liell T1·easu1·es: a glass f o1· s~1yi11g, a t reasu1·e
pieace, a 1·ai~.:ie1· i11 a tux, allv-i chen·y 1·et--i pa11t s.
f l'l'shntcn II