Page 10 - YB_2012
P. 10
Yf'irfrlr ll 7rNr.wrrs: e)o111r lost 11/0IIf.J', a
"si11rly " plfi.J'{U'OIIIIrf, fl trNISIIrf rbest , olrf
tropbies, a ((/11/prr, flllrl fl gu e11 ball.
Lcft: I tlundl Couch.
kt ttdt't'CjCU'lCJ1Cl', httt'lb hi.Jltsclf
C:l\.'l't' the yat-d ntcu:ket'S a
tn.< e on Tmck and field I:lu)
Kindct<JCU'lcn Back lop: :vfatlh"'" Hnnson, Bln:e Ratlut-c:.
&~'""' fx hul:. ~1iddle: :"\lys.<;a Dishman. Timothy Hnnl, Col~- Soeensen.
Riqhl Y:ot· a contest durinq l n.ston Z"•tcncr, &.., nn Halladm·, Hm·lic ~1uhll:ru h, Tan net· Peice. ~1a.""'
hont(>(::ominq \I,;C"Ck Timoth)·
Cl"istmscn. Chtist~phet· Hansot~. Dnkolo f-a"'-''" l><1lxid. ~1cCnunb. Emily
Hunt mu~l unlcU\qk a (t-.::):('1\ t Kul,. f ~<•Ill ~1omicc Gmnt, John Lcxr.d"n,l.ibl"· l·c"J""'n, ~1icholle
shid and put it ()fl Luthh- line k "- \oomi Soluiokoff. Rm9cn f'thctinql<>n, 0:"~'1 C"Bnen. \athon
jHJ\i.cJt' Clair\? Bm.lx.>c is thct't! to ~ot ut't.'<l 1~"'\1\l\c
l£ft Shmee Le-.~n. Delaney
Pnta<.ka and Bmndon Kennedy
tH 119 fot• tl\(' ccuncru chni.nq
lunch. l·u'Sl Cmul" I xk-t· n.,.,, Cadet" I llt'S(('Il(lll, I~ nil [",(miX. L~tkc Cat"<-ill, P..-ctt
Cdl'llUU\ 1 CodY L;Lmce, CumC'eon T ... oJee(h·. dcmlc.• ~1nnlee, &tqe HoUo ...... uy.
l~·n.r:tmtn &u,·. "It") "ton Simon, Jocob Gm), lye Dickes, lt"'-'Ol' Ellison.
RU:JhL &xth qm.dee June
Johnson stettqqles lo CJCl the
ft·oz.en t-shid bcfcwc
nll of the other c·onte.c;lanlK
fxx·on<l Cmdc- I l'op to bottom; left to ti<jhtJ Jnwb Bmal: )1m,-il;, Jm-cd
Doheti\·, Lnuh· Quinn, Ben Gro..'"iinni, Lthun Chtistcnscn, &i.~·
"[ vk-r Pick'"'"'(h. Leah levin, :"\J Ccmil, Dnnmy Pntocko.. -Am.,;n Kenned)··
l'l"an ln1xtln Vm.<JllCZ, Juslu1 Else, Collin Konccb·. ~1eqnn L~tetkenhaus,
I [ul,.,. (K,ll<>"'U\, Lih Gomm, Cnlcb Lihs. dnn>b Hmn<J. Ra-x-n fthninlJlOn.
~1cui(l llcl"1lnn;lcz. Laura Kuhe, dnccpl(>linc Ct·nt, 1\.uitl}nn tfnnson. fcLilh
I kmlmkS<•n, l1i.r:th Soluiokoff.
6 Elm1wn lnL')'