Page 26 - YB_2012
P. 26
lkl0\\ 1 : &niPt-s d('nna. &hutt Jmnw Leu-sen, nnd
r:FCCM \'akntinc!, l:ltrv lx-J.loons <JO wul ... ~.:het-e the
LindM'\. 1\'Cu-:;on It"'\" to flqutx' out where nll tlw
stndt'tlls Cll'l:' \ocnlc'tl! \'('I"\' slt't•s...,fnl du)' for
k-It'"' J"tutnl :w;t<.k row h'Orn I to { L,,,n flaruw.'l l. ':<\ b•tt lfmtql\,:-..llchck lJ(u'CIII., ~1t'?"' Ron.t
{>.;,,,'" Putocko,uuJ Juliu &hn :-.t..ddk Row lto R ILutu ~to,fwW <1m~tuw. :'\t~ :-.hid,
~'\'(!!'t"ll ClwL11n \1ul!(j'""'- rJt'551.0t lwmw&, ~tiou.mlu Ouu~ u11d I ~~~t") 1\t·lllj( f,,,,,, 1 .~·I. to I<
Jt,.\Jln c.; hutl, :unil !J.u n.l.w.hc.'\ Pu::u'«>tl. lUIJ ~h-ut!>..'~"~ Jlet'e tl\(' ICC L.a. rHPinlx,., tuk n
yt'Ottp ptdlll1' uft~· hdpimJ M dw Orl\.'11 Door :-.1i .... -;ion ull ,lu:
' ~;; I.
.. I --~- -.- ---- -~-
RiqhL Pt•cpn.-ed to fill ull the
ot"Clc-t-s for Valcnhnc\. DeL)".
ft'l'-..,hiH('I\ Lvnn I iunst•n, IICltt<L
:vluvrwkl. ancl L<wt~·" ·1 aylcw
:;lop ct tnontenl to t"C'IHCntlx>e
the Lf,...X> cmd .smile_
lbr f('('£::0 lllflllbus bnl>r pnrtiripntttl/11
lOllS of flrti""l>itifJ tbrOII!fbOIII tbr yenr. -Br!Wrrn
KOillf( to e)tnle fllltl :;\(qtio11nl ('on""/>ention or
.1i111ply tbe \)rdtlllillr'_, 'Dny -Hn/loon stiles.
vf111brr j(orl111tl ro111prtrtl111 r1 e5"1 v!'J(Jl>rnl
tbis yenr n11tl plrlfffl firs/til 'Dis! rir!J wilirb
Jr/1/ brr off to c:5'tnle 1~but Jbe rtrei""l>etl n
e)ill>er 111etnl. lilf :J"('('£-A lfi"OIIP bns tlf.,o
pnrliripntrtl i11 bdpinf( nttbr fJpr11 'Door
· '1(i ssio11. · '1( n{111 K sn ntlwir br J tllltl sort i11K
rlotbn. lbrir yrnr bns bun ""/>uy b11sy 1
Riqh.l f"CCL-A student.> hdp make poo.nut buttce cutcl
JCUy 1;0.1\dwidws foe the Op("ll Ooot· :vli,MOI\. noscst
lo the C.(ltll<'tll I to R S<·niot~ Jcnna &-hntt, drunlc
Lcu.,.,n, Alliwn Hot<9h. Julia Schnell, juntoe, c!cssi=
Dt't.'\.JS, ft'C' . ., and Lincl~c·y Pccu'Son, scnlcw In th.e
feu· bock sophomores :vl"'J'"' Rozic. DN\·nn Pntocka,
:vlct£ldv :\y'J""" Cho"l->llnn :'<lc·L"''"·
jtuuot•, ctnd Yfi<hdc Gat"li.O... ~Juot·.