Page 31 - YB_2012
P. 31

'T'be e)peetb T'eru11  enjoyed  Jllfl1lY  Sllttesses tbis
   Loft,  Pec&!nlinq  hce &"""'
                                                        yef/r.  'T'be eighteen member tef/JJt  f/1/  recie"ved
   lntcepmlalton The Pact  by Jodi
   Pic01di. i\~~tbct• Koolnwll:i<u·ps                   superior r(ltings (lt (oufe renre "f:Vbirb is not (Ill
   tenth  al  l'itaiC'  ·"[>eech
                                                        ef/ sy f eflt  find  six of tbem rtf so rerie"ve superiors at
                         :7-.f'idde          'DistriNs.  uf't (onferenre Julia e)rbne/1 f/JJd 'J"!mber
                          11  'T'ref/ sure:  obe   'l{oelmel jJ/(lted  6tb in 'Duet ({lid  J oel e)jJf/tb p/(lced  6tb in
                          go/ d pi ere,      'Poetry.  L:flter (If 'Distrirts uf'mber (fnd  Ju!irt 's 'Dttet
                          J:: e:J..(i91X9, r1   fflrn ed 6tb plflte find uf'mber jJ/f/red  Jrd in e]erious e7nterp.
                          spy glfiSS,  fl  b/f/t{   :JI'er  y d p/(fce f inisb qzt(l/tf ied ber fo r e)tate wbere sbe
                          boflrd, {11/r/ rt   pi ared  1 ot b o"ve r rt! /.
                          11/0IItb.          1"'!1e wbo/e sef/ son  11Jrts rt  gre(ft !ertrning experienre for tbe 11eW
                                             memben  (fnd greflt f un for f//1.

                                                                 jnnim~, Jc.<>.c;  TilOil\0.5,
                                                                 seni.oe,  Bt'nndon  Yfmin,
                                                                 scnlol',  OC<J)Ttn  Pctocka,
                                                                 sophomoro, and Walkee
                                                   =::::__:.;1!! ...... Rathke, junioe. practice
                                                                 l heir 0 1 D be( ore  l he bi.c;
  :'\booe <Feom  left  lo eU:;hl;  lop> 1'\..undon Mmin, cloc  l'>ellcndm{ doc Hru;o,  Yfculison  Ni<jt'CI\,  Lind'"')
                                                                 competition. n,;., OlD
  Pcnt.,on, Walke!'  Rathke, clod &path, lfl'Omlcf'tto tiqht, mt<ldld llak;· Konccky, Lam'Cn  ln)'lol',
                                                                 t'CC{'i\X.'<l  a  sup(-'tiOt'
   LA'')""  Pelockn Yfec.JUn  RozK, Chri..,linu  N~L,on. Yfidwlc C..mul, <ft'Oilt  l<·fl  lo "<Jhl; bolt om) :<\mbet·
                                                                 tnllnq at Confcnmcc..
  Kool.nel clllli.a Schnell,           ~---------------,
  rlel'>slca  ThmncLS~d   "\LefL dttli.a &hell <lett> uncl Amber
  CheL-= Yfusqtuoe  pose   Koclmel ltiqltD S<JllCCZC  loqclhet• for
  for  lite spccrh lcnm   n  pi.clum  pea..clicl.-HJ  thcie
   pKlnre.        dttel. Schnell and Kodmclt-ecei,'Ccl              Ri.c;hL clod lipalh,
                  bupeei..ot· a..t.  Conrerence ancl      sophomom <icfu
                  Di-hl ricts.  Koclnwl also r'C'cei~o.l<?d  0 1 w   nnd  doe
                                                                    fl'eslunan.  (ti.qhu
      Ri.c;hL  &twuling in lhe
                                                                    hcmq  out  bet...~.•ecn
      hall""')· clocl &path.                                        eon nels.
      pmclices his speech
      befoee  the bi.cj
      compclilion  &path
                                               I~"Jhl. lfl'Om lt-ft  to ~~ghu
                                               llctley  Kone<ky,  fl'eslunan,
                                               Leu teen T a.ylot\  feeshnta.n,
                                               Cheboo. Y1tt&JtU\)C,  seni.oe.
                                               :v1i(·hele  Go.t·c~ scni.oe, and
                                               C~u·i.! 0fcL'iOn,  junloe,
                                               ''"" theo"ql1  their OlD one

                                               perrorn"L Chx'  ~'elson
                                11te Cmcn  Lantcen and  cmd  Lind~· Pc'Cu'Son
                                               ~~~·ci,'Cd 1\mdcmic-:<\ll &talc.

                                   a.  suptiot· nl
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