Page 57 - YB_2012
P. 57


 V/rti'Pit ie s

                 I nt•  tl1t  Onc--Att  plm,
               \1<XH\  l'<LI1ted  tht:  lll!lSL
               Ou tstundinc; :'\c·t<•t' :'\"'tlt'<ls
               u  Distticts
               • I I :'\  llll'll\ bees                                           N
               1xtd1< qxttt,c\  in  11Htlt)
               ''''('nts wttl C'et.n1cd  llt<Ut\
               lllt'clnLs  I his YCXll'
              • Tlw );f!S inducted  f'out'
              "''"' 11H'1ltbc1·~ cuul  lwlpt•d
              in  uttt'  n  nununtl'\
              tht'PU<Jhoul  the \'LUI'.
    · Bund  und  Choir.· C<tt'lt<'d  11tan;  Elt~pu·iot• wHl   xtdknt
      ul competition tts  did  soloi.'its.  dnds, nmlmi. cd
      fot•  both t!w ltic;h  school und  jt'  hiqlt.  01cut)  pt'<  plc
   f'ound  the demcntm;  pt·c•qmllts  to be  dt:lic;htful.

                         • The schnt.l hus uL'<  incot potulcd  Disco,\!<')  l ducntt()ll  und  un t:book
       ufratl emirs  pt'O<JtWI\  tc>  fostc•t·  student  success in  tht  "'m{d of cluutqinq  lechnoloq;
                            •. 'ot only did  hc"'c u  lCtW  qmduutit•n mlt>, '"' tlteY  hu,•e  hucl
                            fot'llt<tll)  y<'<U's.  but till'  seJtLot'~< cw1tt<l  :12~ll'l<:1 in  ~dtolw.,hips.
                            &,•en of tltosc·  S<'JtLOt'S  ul,..o  scm'l!cl  u  2C\  < t'  ubo,'l' on  till' :'\Cl'  The
                            stuk m'ctuc;e 011  the :'\C."'f is 22.L  ottt' studtnl.s m'etWJe "''t' 2 ;R
       • So '""" docs  :vlcud  Public 2lclwols  peod uce such qt"Lnl  stu den (s';  The;- hwJt•  u  <jt'L'<tt
       sttpf>t>t'l  system of'  rxn-cnts.  comlltttltitY wul ttuciwt:-;  behind  tht Ill  The tm.t hinq stuff
       c;u''e  up utnuttctm;  qift  teem the instnwHc  compuny lo c\onult  l<  the school  The
       Cot11li\Uitit)  CI'Oup sttppot'lt>tl  tlw studt!nts "'ith u  dt'UCJ  ft'cc  nte,..S<UJC.  und  tlw  fXll'l'ltls
       suppodt•d  thit•t• sotts und  dotttjhtet-s <lt  PtttTttl ·Ttnt ht·t· Conft't'Clllt's, :'\\\'ttt.·c\s  lxuHfttcls.
       untl Pm·cHts.  ,  i<jhts.
       •T IH  luL.L hct'> <lncl  <ldministmtiolt nt  \1P~ I"~' <l  combined cxpct·it·tH l' nl  :>.01  \'l<tt's  just
       ut  this school  I'Pttl'll'C'rt  or tlw tntcltct'S  hu,'e ((  :V1t~slct'S cleqt'Cl' cutd  lll.lll\\  lltot~· Ul'l'
       v.lcwki lHJ  tovJcmls  tlmt  c;cxtl.
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