Page 54 - YB_2012
P. 54

c://fter t'Wo  fo11g  days and
         e"JJerytbing tbe Junior class,
         r:.J'J(s.  Pellne/1 and r:.J'J(rs.
         Pedersen bad, tbe seniors got
         tbe prom tbey dreamed of for

         tbeir senior year. Tbe tbeme for
         tbe nigbt 'Was r:.J'J(ystiral
         E:Pe11ing and it was just
         c://fter e"JJeryone danred tbe
         nigbt a'Way,  tbey got bussed to
         c:)l(ate Vayz in (9maba, tben to

         c://fter :J:Jf(9P e"JJeryone  was
         exhausted! Peop/ e were fa// in g
         asleep on  tbe buses.  'U/bat a
           .  b  I

          Pl'Om  King and Qttcen, cloosph Hass and clenna Sdmtl  7'\bove:  While the music is  playing lottdl), P...undon Y!min, sencoc, nutst c  me ttp with
          pose foe  Lhe  l'O)'olLy  ptclttro.   anolhec WU)'  Lo  conu1mntcate ,vcth jtmioe Y!adin Heinen.

         Jf'idrfe11 'rreasures: a lighted tree , fill lt1111SIIftf  henr/bnnr/, fl  spotlight, flllrf extra bnlfOOIIS.
     E:(J     Pt'om
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