Page 12 - YB_2013
P. 12
Prom 2013
~ Cc ~n6S:J(nno tb~m c) ( rom oJ 2013
wru u Jetcc~JJ. Jcs[e 1 e~oc..; ccon Prom
C""2_w::en o.n6 Cbc.tno(e\· .So1·~::nJc 1' won
ProJ'YJ I(Cn3. Tbe JtetoentJ went to Tbe
A mozC:n3 {O[zzo mo.cbCne CAI10 1bop
Jo((owCn3 prom. Tbe 0C:33c:Jt cl'Jc.u13e tbw
S:Jeetr w C:tb prclT: Wc.tJ tbe 11W'>'Jber cJ
JtetoentJ ono netm0cr o( etnoerdci.JJl"YJen.
lbe1·e w ere {ewer o( 0ctb tbw S:)enr, 0ett oC:o n't Jtop tbem (rom ocmdn3 tbe:
'1'\l:x:><>e: The juniot'S and seniot'S donee thew hea.tts out dut:i.ruJ one of the
crowd's fa.ooti.te SOfUJS "Low" by Jo.y Sean.
Below. Juni.ot:o M"9"" R.ozi.c a.rul ~-rm
Pa.tocka dance W<Jetk duciruj a. slow 60n<J
Left Seni.oe, Julin
M"9"" R.ozi.c a.rul
Maddy Nygcen a.rul
others show off their
dance l'l1.0'Xl8 d uti.n<J
Bela"" Senior Julia Couch and junior Co..rneron
M•kkel..en donee to the "Cup~ Shuffle."
'1'\l:x:><>e: Seni.or Chandler
:Abo.>e Junioc M""J""
~ hogs the giant
Lu.etkenha ..... a.rul focmet' Mead.
student Mike &hwab eaaha.y lolli.pop.
doWn the wa.lkwa.y foe Goond
Move h.
8 Prom