Page 9 - YB_2013
P. 9

.,-tl~e~(~,~~t~e~~,~loPan ce

       Tbc:  l(tn,3  nno Queen rec(p(entJ  tbt.s  yew·
       were Jobn  nno  Cbrwttna.  )\Jelsot1.
       (.:verycne boo ct  ~Ccwt nno Joe 3ettenoc)·J
       quo teo,  "Ob  my ,:soCCy!  Jt WGt.J  pretty .spunky."
                                                                                                         I   ,._-.,

        ~lX)\\  &'tllOI"i John  f fu,e ....  Chn~tma :\d.";on,  r 'rnnki(•  f fns.-.,  ~Lck
       I <vi  lmu < \'ukonkh, Cl<u-e  l~ulx·• .  cuHl Chundlc•r bo'"''"'" slmv

                                                        :<\bo.,.,_  Homcconunq Co1u·l.  LtoR Clai<"<'  B.ubec.  hunkie HCL",  JoS<c T"•ccd)· c;;'"'"'
                                                        Christina ;"1. 0L""'·  King John Hayes.  \i<holn.s U'<?t. Omndk,· SorenSC"n, and Lance
                                                                                             Left. link'\
                                                                                             Kont'tkY, Latu·cn
                                                                                             Ta,lw:und Hcuu<
                                                                                             sophonlOt"es.  put
                                                                                             ~hands on yotu'
                                                                                             kn('(:-...,  tm· the
                                                                                             ChuChn Slide.

      Ri<Jhl:  hophotnOt'l'  rJt . ..,stcn
      Dn'\\ 1 S  Clnd  dghth qrudct·                                                      Left  Sophomoecs
      Tnb1thn Cmv rO<k  m<t  to                                                           Tavlo<' [x,lnar and
      the fabulous  DJs                                                                   :-.1ecpn  Lauqhlin lx.'<)in
                                                                                          thelt· night  vJit.h  CL
                                                                                          slo .... , dan<:e.

                                                                                  Homecotntrt3  Dance     5
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