Page 57 - YB_2013
P. 57

                                                         Left &..nth goo<!<. gida,
                                                         June Johru.on, Hailey
                                                         Hahn, Tessa. Bewley, :Ana
                                               , and Ja.yden Haa.g
                                                         ha.oe fun on stcl<Je  while   WctJ.:,  tl-:le  l-:lor6  work on6
                                                         s'n<Ji.n<J  T a.yloo Swi.ft's
                                                         SOn<j, 'N"""" G~ Back  6e6Cc:otlon  oJ c:l-:loCr
                                                                 mr.s. \hr3C on6
                                                                         mr.r.  mc.tnter G\l'ld  00
                                                                         tl-:le  .rtc.t6ent.r  tl-:lem.rdve.r,
                                                                         meo6 represented tl-:le  .rc:l-:Joo(
                                                                         wCtl-:l  mon<J  1-:lonor.r  on6
                                                                         owor6.r ot c:ompeUUon.r.
                                          Soba.hkoff, and                         Left Chandleo Sooensen,
                                          Colem.a.n show thcio talent a.t                Lynn Ha.nson, K.a.ylee
                                          the Soup and Son<j.                            Cadoon, and
                                          Below, Senwo Julio. Couch and                  Lac.:oi.x pecfoom.ed. a.t the
                                          fooshm.a.n K.a.ylee Cadoon s'n<J 1             Holland Centeo foo  UNO
                                          Hope You Dance." Couch wa.s
                                          also chosen to •'n<J ""'th the fFA
                                          Sta.te Cho~ alo"'l ""'th Lynn
                                                                                      Senwo C~t'= Nelson
                                                                                      ew:ned the Outstand.'n<J Cho~
                                                                             a.wacd  ~ yoo.r:  To
                                                                                      the left, she pecf oom.s  heo
                                                                                      beautiful solo. Nelson alon<j
                                                                                      w•th Lowell Johnaon wa.s
                                                                                      a.v.l<l<'<:!.ed.  the '1\cad.em.~ -All

      1\bo<>e, Sophomore -Ashley Benson, fwshm.en Kru.tLynn
      Hunt and Kaya.nna. Jelinek., alon<j  w•th senwo SteJi-e
      Kougeo •'n<J  w•th Women's Cho~ du~n<j the Soup and
      Son<j conceot They ew:ned a.  au~ oa.tin<j a.t Di.atOCts.

     Back L to R Lynn Ha.nson,
   CharuJ.le, Sooensen, Joel,
     w al.ket- Rathke, and Goa.nt
    Nelson. Front Shand• Ra.wlin,
     Cootney Lewarulowslci, and
       Kru.tLynn Hunt Weoe all
   mem.b of the ECNC Honoo

      Chow. top L toR Rya.n Hughes, Chandleo Sorensen, N~k Leet, Wal.ket- Rathke, Joel, Lynn Ha.nson, and Goa.nt Nelson. Second row, Shand• Ra.wl.i.n,
      Kru.tLynn  W~·Hunt, K.a.ya.nna. Jelinek., M'=nda. Chades, Julio. Couch, JacLynn Jansa, and -Ashley Benaon. Thd row, Cootney Lewarulowski, 0~
      Nelson, Steoie Kougeo, K.a.ylee Cadoon, a.nd Josi.e TWeedy. The Mi.xed Choous oecei.oed a. su~o =tin<J a.t the Di.atOCt  Mus~ Contest
                                                                                               Cbotl"   53
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