Page 58 - YB_2013
P. 58
c;rcu:)u.atlon marks tbe be3tJ'l.ntn3 oJ a ver<J Car3e wave oJ cban3e [n tbe CtJe
oJ a bt3b .rcboo( .rent r. '11-Ju u wl-Jen tl-Je reaCtt9 oJ CtJe crcul-Je.r [n on <JOU..
8ou. ore now re.rpon.rtb(e Jor <JOU.r own UJe'.r patl-J. )t'.r a .scar<J, u.ncerta[n,
jo<JOU..S ttme. VoCeotctortG\J'l. Cl-Jrutlna Nd.ron ano .SaCu.tatortan Joe r-lu.nt on tl-Ju tn tl-Jetr Jarewd( .rpeecl-Je.r at commencement. ' oJ tl-Je
crowo wl-Jo !-Jove r[ooen tl-Je wave know tl-Jat Wttl-J tl-Je eou.catton provtoeo at
meao Pu.[9Ctc .Scl-Joow ano tl-Je .ru.pport oJ JamtC<J ano Jrteno.r twent<J-
tcoo .rentor.r wtCC be .ru.cce.r.rJQ( tn rtotn3 coave.r oJ cl-Jan3e.
:A.b<Ne Walker R.a.thke gWes the lrt\Jooo.tWn
durin£] the
I...eft: Shand• R.a.wlin,
Cortn.ey Lewo.ndowski,
Chcisti.n.a. Nelson, JacLyn.
JartBO, Julia., Josi.e
Tweedy an.d. Ste-Ji.e Kcue<Jer
siruJ "Your friend Sholl
Be"~ V Johnson, durinq
the Bl.ccala.uroo.te.
senwt"!l about how they
need to step out an.d.
claim out loud that
th.ry !<now Jesus. To
rnO.k h-. po'"'t he
ha.n.d.8 out money fu
those who stand. up
an.d. clo.i.m that they
know h-. da.LL<Jhter
Julio, also a. g=dua.te.