Page 35 - YB_2014
P. 35

Left: The Mead FFA                       Right: Lynn Hanson, JUnior,
                          part1c1pates at the                         rece1ves an award for
                          livestock JUd01n0 contest                plac1n0  5th 1n the state 1n
                          1n Norfolk, NE. These  16                   the Roriculture CDE.
                   '><lllioi,.. students JUd0ed 8
                          different classes of
                          ammals. lhou0h they
                 l ~lliiill:'f!l didn't 00 to state they
                          d1d have a 0reat
                                              Above: Exhausted from the lon0
                                              weekend at the Nat1onal FFA
                      --=.,...-----...,..--~, Convention Mr.Dux takes a short
                      B!!l"oP-~!l"'! ....... J4--!oiiii• ..... -t  cat nap before the long trip home.

                                               Below: The Mead FFA A0ronomy Team places 3rd
                                               at the State FFA Convention. The team consisted
                                               of Donald Hanson, L1ndsey Mayer, Margaret
                                               Johnson, and  Lynn Hanson.

                                                                                  Above: Eric Swanson, Rhea Wo1ta, and
                   1cer                ice
                                                                                  Donald Hanson s1t on a tractor at Ag
    Pres1dent, Haley Konecky Parliamentarian, Hana Mayfield
                                                                                  Awareness. The  students that
    President, Lauren Taylor Secretary, Maddy Nygren Treasurer,
                                                                                  part1c1pated helped gUide classes from
    Lynn Hanson Reporter, and Kassidy Holloway Sentential.
                                                                                  schools around the area to learn about
                                                                                  the different areas of agnculture.

   Mead FFA Chapter: Back row LtoR: Megan Laughlin, Taylor Bednar, Chance Andersen, Trenton Dowty, M1chae1 Klahn, and Brandyn Ra0le. 4th row: Logan Crouse, Blake
   Schmidt, Donald Hanson, Evan Halbma1er, Tyler Vukomch, Alex McDonald, Autumn Vaccaro, and Tyon B1ce. 3rd row: Damel Leise, Ka1den Crouse, Jessica Drews, Dylan
   Taylor, Evan Hou0h, Ryan Hu0hes, Andrew Kuhr, Eric Swanson, Gavin Tweedy, and Zach Pickworth. 2nd row: Cassidy LaCroix, Kait!ynn Hunt, Brittany Dowty, Kaylee
   Carlson, Kass1dy Holloway, Haley Konecky, Shelby Kuhr, Rhea Wo1ta, Lowell Johnson, Alex Quinn, Tanner Bednar, and Margret Johnson. 1st row: Han a Mayfield, M1randa
   Charles, Breanna Wirth, Megan Roz1c, Lauren Taylor, Maddy Nygren, Morgan Luetkenhaus, Lynn Hanson, Joel Spath, Devynn Patocka, Brandon Pickworth.

                                                                                    Lowell Johnson and Mr. Taylor,
                                             Sophomore Lindsey Mayer   Sophomore Alex Quinn   custodian, pa1nt columns outside
   one of h1s chickens at   jumor,  pick up trash on the h10hway   throws a hay bale for the   makes an edible soil horizon   the school at the school pnde
   the petting zoo, Johnson   outside of Mead. The summer trash                     clean up days.
                                             National FFA Week A0   in plant science. This project
   shares with students   p1ckup was very successful for the   Olympics contest. These   helped the plant science
   how chickens can be used  Mead FFA havin0  2 1 participants.   events happened Friday   class learn about the
   in agriculture.
                                             during the students' ag   different soil horizons.   FFA    31
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