Page 36 - YB_2014
P. 36


    From ~arden work a.t the be~innin~ of the yea.r, to s~:•~"~iA' .. "-"'--J....trl.
     kept their ha.ndsbusy with ma.ny volunteer and       a ctivities.
    In October, students banded to~ether, dressed   went trick or-trea.tin~
    for canned food to donate to a.loca.l food     of the FCCLA
     chapter teamed up with the National        a.nd took a. trip down to
    Oma.ha.' s Open Door Mission. To~ether,   assembled over 2,000
    lunches alon~ with Crei~hton Prep a.nd   a. tour of the new campus a.nd
    facilities. "Community service is a.   in our FCCLA chapter.
     Helpin~ others throu~hout the yea.r   rewardin~ experience for our
     members." Mrs. Wiess, Mea.d' s   sponsor, expressed her thou~ht. of the   M   ornoreM
                                                                         iranda Charle   argaret Johnson
     ~reatness FCC LA ca.n brin~ stud  t •. "Whether its helpin~ to bea-utify our   surnrner to   s  Work With the FF:A   and senior
                                                                               clean u        chapte
     school ~rounds, ~a.therin~ items f   r pro~ra.m, a.doptin~ a. fa-mily   the school'   P and lay down   r during
                                                                              s appearance.   rnufch to upgrade
    a.t Christmas, or volunteerin~ a.t   en door mission, there's a. little bit of
    some thin~ for every member ofF   I • En din~ the yea.r off, five of the
     thirty. two members traveled to   wn Lincoln to represent our school at
    Sta-te. Seniors Rhea. W oita., Br   ckworth, juniors Autumn V a.nd   FCC.LH z;s  e2oouC
    Jessica. Drews, a.nd sophomore   pre  Johnson spent two da.ys wonder in~
     the hotel corridors a.nd strollin~ d   e streets. From loud music, crowded   me2iz;71&  C /[' e
     vendors, and ~uest speakers to ~ettin  ost tryin~ to find the P ershin~ Center,   o /[' C2n_gif or
     students ha.d a blast creatin~ memories to their ma.rk.
                                                                         Com orrow,  e2na

                                                                        pomoCz/11&  e2  oeCCer


                                                                      s eniors
                                                                      M 1 rancla
       ;._----'------------------:----,..----------1 C\1arie5 ancl
     Al>ove: FCCt.A and NHS: Devynn P awcka, Shell>y Kuhr, Haley Konecky, Megan  aughlln, Steven Berner,   Devynn
     Dan1el, Breanna Wirth, Tanner Bednar, M1chael Klahn, Lynn Ha  son, Lowe I Joh  on, Andrew Kuhr,   f'atocl<.a
     M.:~rgJret Johne.on, Brandon Pickwor-th, M1randa Charles, Kaylee Car. son.Kass•dY  olloway, Rhea   rnal<.esacl<.
     Wo1ta, Katie Lenard, Maddy Nygren, Ryan Hughes, Lauren Taylor, Billy Mayer, Alex Quinn, Evan   \uncnes a-t
     Halbma1er, Delaney Vaccaro, Hana Mayfield, Lindsey Mayer, Jessica Drews, and  Autumn Vaccaro.   we Open

                                                        Aut   ·  niors
                                                          urnn Vaccaro
                                                        Jessicao   •
                                                      LaCroiX{'  .   y
                                                            1n1sh the
                                                        valentines d
                                                      ordersb   ay
                                                      t    :y PUtting
                                                       ags on flow
                                                        f     ers
                                                         or National
                                                         VV'1 Week.

                                                                                       freshman Evan Halbmier,
                                                                                       sophomore Lindsey Mayer, and
                                                                                       semor Morgan Luetkenhaus 'tnck
     32               FCCLA                                                            or treat' for canned goods around
                                                                                       the community during Halloween.
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