Page 56 - YB_2014
P. 56
Below: Freshman Dylan Taylor plays h1s
Band trombone at the contest as part of
the band who received a an excellent
Below: Freshman Jos1ah
Sohriakoff plays h1s bantone.
--1 C/lt'?~~ mufz"o z"n z"CJeff z"f Sohriakoff also played a duet
for contest with Freshman
/leCllz" Tt&ยท 1c f Cln exjJIOfz"Ye Michael Klahn together they
exp-effz"on ,o/ /lumClnz"Cfl
1c f Jomec/rz--11& we Clre Cl!!
Couo/lea ofl .No mClCCer
w/lClC ou!Cure we'rifromr
eYerfione !OYef mufz"o."
-~z;!~ {Toe!
The Hi~h School Band had many
son~s they played this year. The band
also played at many ~ames and the
competed at contest and received a
excellent ratin~. Right: Jackson Furstenau plays a
saxophone at contest during one
of the songs they spent t1me
Below: The Mead High School Band gets
ready to perform for the judges and
visitors at the contest
Above: Junior Lauren Taylor
practices a song at the conference
competition. Taylor also received a
Superior rating on her flute solo.
Right: Bth Grader Josh
Quinn warms up his
instrument before the
band plays in front of
Above: McKenna Holloway, June Johnson, Judges.
and Jay den Haag play during the soup
and song concert.
5'2 Band