Page 58 - YB_2014
P. 58
Graduation 2014 Right: Brandon
Pickworth and
Megan Roz1c enter
d d
T he ~ra, u.:t tin~ cl.:tss of 2014 h..~ s m..t e m.:tny memories the gym together
over the ye...trs. Now they ha-ve to st.:trt the next major forthelastt1me:
mile in their lives. The fourteen seniors ha-ve ha-d to as Mead High
School students.
m.:tke bi~ decisions this ye.:tr a-nd now .:tre off on their
own, ~oin~ to colh~e a-nd ~eHin~ jobs~ but their f.:tmily
a-nd friends will a-lwa-ys be by their side to help them
throu~h the ups a-nd downs. The senior cla-ss a-ll
to~ether e..trned over five hundred a-nd ninety two
thousand dollars worth of schobrships. They ha-ve
made many miles of memories and we ~otto watch
them rise.
Andersen upr,et
that ne could not
get to hiS pockets
dec 1de:? to tJck
his robe: 1nto h1s
Above:: Ryan Hughes'5 valedictorian speech Above: Devynn P atocka's salutatorian speech
brought up memone:s from throughout the:1r delved into some memories and thanked those
school years. who helped her and her class get to where they
Above: N1chole: Hud.eby and
Brandon Pickworth enJOy Ryan
Hughes's speech. Below: Andrew Kuhr, Maddy Nygren, Morgan Le:utkenhaus, and Billy Mayer laugh at what
Ryan Hughes says in h1s speech.
Right: Maddy Nygren
reads the: scnpture:s
Matthew 7: 7 8 and
Ph 1pp1ans 4: 4 7 as
words of 1n5p1r at1on for
her cla?5.
Left: back row:
M 1randa Charles,
N 1chole Hucke by,
Rhea Woita, front
row: Maddy
Right: All the
Nygren, Alexandria
McDonald, and
Luetkenhaus sing
the f1rst part in
the song "The:
Prayer" while the
singing the second