Page 9 - YB_1949
P. 9
Class Vice President General
M-Club, Basketball Class President
Class Play Class Play
Academic College Preparatory
Basketball, M-Club Basketball, M-Club
One step at a time, but always forward.
CLAss CoLoRs
Aqua and White
Pink Carnation with White Sweet Peas
Lou Dolezal joined the group. The travelers took
In September,
HIS T 0 Ry 1937, the '49'ers, part in the operetta "Palace of Coulersness".
The same band of travelers contmued the fourth
having heard of the
year of the journey.
wealth of knowl· Miss Ida Sward became the guide for the fifth
edge which could be found on a twelve year Journey year of travelers. During this year Kenneth John-
through Mead Consolidated School, started on such son and Peggy Lou Dolezal left the groups and ten
a trip. The following is a brief account of the members were added to it.
records kept on their journey. During the sixth year of the search for knowledge
Those who set forth on this adventure under the the groups grew so that it numbered 37. Six of
guidance of Miss Edna Jeppson were: Richard those added joined at the beginning of the year and
Anderson, Frances Marie Anderson, Mary Alice Ellen Marie Sabatka and 14 others joined during
Dolezal, Joan Edstrom, Mildred Hackbarth, Joyce the year. The travelers took part in the play "A
Johnson, Kenneth Johnson, Lila Jean Lake, Allan Visit From Uncle Sam" during this year.
Larson, Grace Moline, JoAnn Schneider and Ben Twenty-three adventurers continued the seventh
Swan on, Jr. year of the journey under the guidance of Mrs. Alta
In the second year of the journey they were joined Angell. Betty Headrid
by Arlene Samuelson and Stanley Kucera. and Charles Zook were
The third year of the itinerary was made under new comers in the grour
a new guide, Miss Bernice Crinklaw. Mary Dolezal and Kenneth Johnson
had left the travelers but Stanley Almen and Peggy again joined it.