Page 42 - YB_1966
P. 42
BACK LEFT: Kevin Whitcomb, Gail Hilfiker, Mary Lou Radenslaben, Bev Carlson, and Marlyn Washburn. THIRD
LEFT: Jeanette Nelson, Paula Scoles, Phil Johnson, Mark Johnson. Renae Hageman, Gary Zicafoose. SECOND
ROW LEFT: Nancy Schneider, Roger Nelson, Roxann Scoles, Michael Erickson, Diann Treptow, Kerry Carden,
Karen Jo Whitcomb, Glenda Pearson, Karen Hanson, and Shirley Behrens. FRONT ROW LEFT: Patricia Nelson,
Marcia Zicafoose, Connie Larson, Phyllis Storm, Inez Nygren, and Rhonda Hanson.
Group Band and
The action this year started at Prague for a Husker
Five M.B. clinic. Later in the year, there was
another band clinic at Yutan. The year's action
was climaxed at the District Music Contest at Ben-
nington, where Marcia Zicafoose received a Superi-
or on her instrumental solo, Jeanette Nelson an
Excellent, and the band an excellent.
The band performed for the public at the Christmas
and Spring Concerts.
The three officers: Jeanette, Inez and Phyllis were
the Mead representatives to the Music clinic at
Columbus this year.
Band Officers
President Jeanette Nelson, RIGHT; Librarians:
Inez Nygren, MIDDLE, and Phyllis Storm left.