Page 38 - YB_1969
P. 38
ROW ONE- L. -R. - P. Nelson, ·Pres.; S. Ziegenbein, V. Pres.; I. Winchell, Sec.; D. Hassler, Treas.;
K. Maly, Degrees; D. Parsons, Historian; R. Hageman, Parliamentarian -Publicity; L. Heald, Rec. -Song
Leader; M. Volin, Advisor, ROW TWO- J. Welsh, C. Eckley, S. Frahm, S. Johnson, M. York, J. Hanson,
D. Hanson, G. Pearson, C. Scoles, V. Simons, D. Carritt, ROW THREE- L. Dailey, S. Winchell, M.
Franklin, B. Pickworth, P. Shepherd, B. Hise, S. Behrens, M. Linden, Ml. Linden, C. Croghan, ABSENT
- K. Williams, Roxanne Schulz.
This year the FHA was
awarded the Traveling Trophy,
an award given to the top
District Chapter. The FHA
earned money this year by
selling candy.
Here's LBJ, Lady Bird, and Huntley and
Granny and Jed Clampett and
Lil' Abner and Daisy Mae are
Famous Pairs for FHA Week.
Karen and Iva were just two members
of the cast which did a skit at the FF A-
Patty Nelson was elected Dean Pike, former State FFA
FHA Banquet.
State FHA Historian for President, was guest speaker
the 1969- 1970 term. at the FFA-FHA Banquet.